Site Map
- News
- All News
- SWF Podcast - "Asian Space Policy and the United States"
- SWF Podcast - "Emerging Space Nations and Space Sustainability"
- SWF Podcast - "The Dragon's New Eyes: China's Space-based Surveillance Capabilities, Doctrine, Strategy, and Implications"
- SWF Podcast - "Russia's Space Plans"
- Brian Weeden featured on Fox News discussing Falcon HTV-2
- Brian Weeden Featured on the World Economic Forum's Blog Discussing Space Sustainability
- Future of the US-Japan Relationship
- "Gravity" in Real Life: Legal and Political Implications of an Accident in Space
- 2013 Space Security Index Executive Summary Released
- Agnieszka Lukaszczyk Joins the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Space Technology Management and Innovation (IJSTMI)
- Brian Weeden Analyzes Options for U.S.-China Space Cooperation in New Stimson Center Publication
- Brian Weeden Appears on Fox News to Discuss Reports of Iran Launching a Monkey Into Space
- Brian Weeden Discusses China's Recent CBERS-3 Launch Failure on China Daily
- Brian Weeden Discusses Crowdfunded CubeSat Projects With The Verge
- Brian Weeden Discusses the Chinese Space Program on China Radio International
- Brian Weeden Discusses the Shut Down of the Space Fence on The Space Show
- Brian Weeden Gives Lecture on SSA for ISU Executive Space Course
- Brian Weeden on Show Daily Planet Discussing Iran's Space Monkey
- Brian Weeden Participates in Panel Discussion on US-China Cooperation in Space
- Brian Weeden Participates in Panel Session on "The Future of Space" at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos
- Brian Weeden Participates in the World Economic Forum's 2013 Summit on the Global Agenda
- Brian Weeden Publishes Op-Ed in Defense News on U.S. Response to China's Anti-satellite Testing
- Brian Weeden Publishes Op-Ed in SpaceNews on the Impact of Sequestration on Space Situational Awareness
- Brian Weeden Quoted by Aviation Week On Potential Collision in Space
- Brian Weeden Quoted in LA Times On North Korea's Space Launch
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Reuters on Impact of Another Potential Chinese ASAT Test
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Story on Small Russian Satellite Hit by Chinese ASAT Debris
- Brian Weeden Quoted in SpaceNews Discussing Impact of USAF Space Fence Shutdown
- Brian Weeden Quoted in The Economist Discussing Hypersonic Technology Development
- Brian Weeden Quoted on on Legal Aspects of Space Collisions
- Brussels Forum - SWF Hosts Dinner Discussion on Space and Stability
- Cynda Collins Arsenault Featured in a Blog on Amazing Women
- Job posting: SWF DC Office Seeking Project Manager
- Report from the Symposium on Legal and Policy Aspects of Space Cooperation Between Europe and BRICS Countries Released
- Report Released from the UNIDIR Space Security Conference 2013
- Satellite Servicing and Debris Removal: An Assessment of Prospects and Challenges
- Secure World Foundation Submits Inputs to the UN's Group of Governmental Experts
- Space Generation Advisory Council Releases SWF Sponsored Space Generation Congress 2012 Report
- SpaceNews Publishes Profile on Brian Weeden
- SWF Actively Contributes to SSA Policy Discussions at 2013 Maui AMOS Conference
- SWF and CRECTEALC Sign a Memorandum of Understanding
- SWF and SPI Release New Publication: "A Guide to Space Law Terms"
- SWF Announces Young Professional Scholarship Winners for IAC 2013 in Beijing
- SWF Announces Young Professional Scholarships for IAC 2013 in Beijing
- SWF Awards Ray Williamson Future Fund 2013
- SWF Brussels Office Moves to a New Location
- SWF Co-hosts International Space Reception
- SWF Co-Hosts Panel Discussion on Earth Observation Satellite Data-Sharing: Policies and Partnerships
- SWF Co-Hosts Panel Discussion on Near-Earth Objects: Addressing the Current Threat Level
- SWF Co-Organizes the IAC Young Professional Programme Event on Space Debris
- SWF Co-Sponsors Events at the 29th National Space Symposium
- SWF Co-sponsors the 2013 Planetary Defense Conference
- SWF Holds Panel Discussion on Cooperation vs Competition in Outer Space Activities
- SWF Holds Panel Discussion on Poland's Accession to the European Space Agency
- SWF March/April Newsletter
- SWF May/June 2013 Newsletter (1)
- SWF Publishes Three Updated Fact Sheets on Space Sustainability Initiatives
- SWF Releases Summary Report from the 2013 AMOS Dialogue on SSA
- SWF September/October 2013 Newsletter
- SWF Team Highly Visible at London Space Commerce Conference
- SWF’s Victoria Samson Presents at the Asan Institute in South Korea
- Victoria Samson Published in American Foreign Policy Council's Defense Dossier
- Victoria Samson Publishes "Space control in Air Force's 2014 budget request"
- Workshop on the Use of Space Science and Technology for the Prevention of and Response to Disasters in Mesoamerica
- SWF Staff Participates in the 2013 International Astronautical Congress in Beijing, China
- SWF Staff Actively Contributes to the 2nd Space Generation Fusion Forum in Colorado Springs, USA
- Agnieszka Lukaszczyk Lectures at the International Institute for Air and Space Law of the Leiden University in the Netherlands on the Rationale of Having a Space Code of Conduct
- Natassa Antoniou Lectures on the Role of Space Applications in Cities, Regions to Representatives of the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of the City of Nanjing, P.R. China
- SWF Successfully Co-Organizes the 2013 UNIDIR Space Conference
- Natassa Antoniou Presents at the Seventh Group of Earth Observation European Projects' Workshop
- SWF Co-Sponsors a Symposium on Legal and Policy Aspects of Space Cooperation Between Europe and BRICS Countries
- SWF Actively Participates in the 56th Session of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS)
- SWF Partners in the UN-SPIDER Bonn Expert Meeting on the Use of Space-Based Information for Early Warning Systems
- Agnieszka Lukaszczyk Quoted in China's People's Daily on China's Involvement in Space Sustainability Issues
- SWF Contributes to the UNIDIR Regional Meeting on "Space Equities: The Role of the Americas in Building Norms of Behaviour"
- SWF Staff Actively Contributes to the Space Studies Program 2013 in Strasbourg, France
- SWF Brussels Office to Close at Year End
- SWF Co-Sponsors the European Satellite Day 2013
- SWF Staff Actively Contributes to the 2013 Space Generation Congress in Beijing, China
- SWF Partners in the United Nations/Belarus Workshop on Space Technology Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits
- SWF Co-Organizes an International Meeting "Food Security, Earth Observations and Agricultural Monitoring"
- SWF November/December 2013 Newsletter
- New SWF Fact Sheet on China's Recent Anti-satellite Testing in Space
- SWF Releases New Fact Sheet on Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellites
- SWF Holds Panel Discussions on Radio Frequency Interference and Space Sustainability
- Natassa Antoniou Participates in the UN SPIDER Technical Advisory Mission to Ghana
- Executive Director, Dr. Michael Simpson, delivers closing address at International Symposium on Personal and Commercial Spaceflight in Las Cruces, NM
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Al-Jazeera America on Impact of Shutting Down the U.S. Air Force's Space Fence
- Brian Weeden Quoted in SpaceNews on DARPA's New Initiative to Track Low Inclination, Low Altitude Space Objects
- Victoria Samson Interviewed by Via Satellite
- Victoria Samson Interviewed on the New Draft of the International Code of Conduct
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Businessweek on the Role Satellites Play in Arctic Security
- SWF Welcomes Two New Staff Members and a New Advisory Committee Member in 2014
- SWF Executive Director Michael Simpson helps guide study of Disaster Mitigation Down Under
- World Economic Forum Releases New Report on Bringing Space Down to Earth
- SWF Elected as a Participating Organization to GEO
- SWF Co-Organizes a side event "Disasters Risk Reduction and Earth observations: a GEO perspective" at the GEO-X Plenary
- SWF Actively Participates in the 51st Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Breaking Defense on U.S. Air Force's New GEO Space Situational Awareness System
- Brian Weeden Quoted by Reuters on New USAF Space Situational Awareness Program
- Senior Advisor Ray Williamson Participates in the First Meeting of the Steering Committee of the International Asteroid Warning Network
- SWF January/February 2014 Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Florida Today on new U.S. SSA System for Geostationary Orbit
- SWF Co-hosts 2014 AMOS Dialogue in Tokyo
- Brian Weeden Quoted on the Potential Impact of U.S.-Russia Tensions on Human Spaceflight
- Brian Weeden Quoted by CNN on Role of Satellites in Searching for Missing Malaysian 777
- Victoria Samson Presents on the International Code of Conduct at the JSF Third International Symposium on Sustainable Space Development and Utilization for Humankind
- Brian Weeden Appears on CNBC Asia toDiscuss Potential Satellite Imagery of Debris from Missing Malaysian Airliner
- Brian Weeden Talks with NPR About the Challenges in Using Satellites to Find Missing Malaysian Airliner
- Brian Weeden Quoted in the Washington Post About the Limits of Satellites in Searching for Missing Malaysian Aircraft
- SpaceNews Article on Brian Weeden's Recent Report on ASAT Testing in Space
- SWF Collaborates with UNIDIR on 2014 Space Security Conference
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Scientific American on the Risks of Antisatellite Activity in Geostationary Orbit
- Brian Weeden Quoted in The Daily Beast on the Pentagon's X-37B
- SpaceNews Publishes Letter to the Editor from Victoria Samson and Brian Weeden on the International Code of Conduct for Space
- Job posting: SWF CO Office Seeking Administrative Assistant
- Victoria Samson Published in "Awaiting Launch: Perspectives on the Draft ICoC for Outer Space Activities"
- Brian Weeden Featured in Discovery Documentary Special on the Search for Flight 370
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Foreign Policy Magazine on Dangers of Space Debris
- UNOOSA Releases Education Curriculum on Space Law
- Brian Weeden Quoted by on the X-37B's 500 Days in Orbit
- A Webinar by Brian Weeden on China's Anti-satellite Testing in Space
- SWF Executive Director Delivers Closing Address to Regional Finals of Space Law Moot Court Competition
- SWF March/April 2014 Newsletter
- Brian Weeden to Testify Before Congress on Space Debris and Space Traffic Management
- Brian Weeden Quoted in the Washington Post on the Air Force's New S-Band Space Fence
- Job posting: SWF DC Office Seeking Administrative Assistant
- SWF Announces Young Professional Scholarships for IAC 2014 in Toronto
- Brian Weeden Appears Before Congressional Committee Hearing on Space Traffic Management
- Brian Weeden Appears on NPR's "Here and Now" To Discuss Space Debris
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Breaking Defense on new Space Operations Agreement Between The United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia
- Brian Weeden Quoted in World Politics Review on the Future of US-Russia Space Cooperation
- SWF Team Actively Contributes to the 30th Space Symposium
- Laura Delgado López Presents at the Annual Meeting of the CEOS’ WGCapD
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Reuters on the Awarding of the S-Band Space Fence Contract
- Brian Weeden Quoted in SpaceRef on Google's Potential Plan For a Constellation of Communications Satellites in Low Earth Orbit
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Defense News on S-Band Space Fence Contract Award
- SWF Sponsors, Participates in UN Expert Meeting on Flood and Drought Risk Reduction
- Brian Weeden Co-Chairs Session on Non-Technical Challenges of Actively Removing Space Debris
- Monitoring the High Seas: The Increasing Role of Space in Maritime Domain Awareness
- SWF Actively Participates in the 57th Session of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS)
- SWF Actively Contributes to IAF's Global Space Application Conference
- Laura Delgado López to Participate in Panel During AAS 60th Anniversary Event
- SWF May/June 2014 Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Bloomberg Businessweek on Chinese ASAT Development and US Protection Efforts
- Laura Delgado López Quoted in Sinc on Challenges of Attributing Responsibility in Space
- Laura Delgado López Joins CNN en Español Panel Marking 45th Anniversary of Moon Landing
- Brian Weeden Quoted in SpacePolicyOnline On Reports Of A New Chinese ASAT Test
- Brian Weeden Quoted in DefenseNews On Dual Use And Transparency Challenges of Air Force's New Geosynchronous SSA Program
- Brian Weeden Quoted in USA Today On Launch of the Air Force's Geosynchronous SSA Program and ANGELS Satellites
- Brian Weeden Featured in The Atlantic on the Challenge of Space Debris
- Victoria Samson's article "Radio Frequency Interference: A Threat to Space Sustainability," was published in the summer 2014 issue of Apogeo Spatial
- Brian Weeden Quoted in SpacePolicyOnline on New SSA Sharing Agreement Between SDA and USSTRATCOM
- Victoria Samson spoke on July 17, 2014, at the Future Space Leaders Foundation's third annual event on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC
- SWF July/August 2014 Newsletter
- SWF Actively Contributes to SSA Policy Discussions at the 2014 Maui AMOS Conference
- Laura Delgado López Moderates AAS-AMS Google+ Hangout on Extreme Weather
- Laura Delgado López's article "Beyond the Moon Agreement: Norms of responsible behavior for private sector activities on the Moon and celestial bodies" is now available online in Space Policy
- SWF Recognized as Key Player in US Data Release to Promote Global Climate Resilience
- Brian Weeden Quoted in SpaceNews on the Challenges Posed by CubeSats and Space Debris
- Victoria Samson presents paper entitled "National Space Policies and Their Importance in Ensuring the Long-Term Sustainable Use of Space" at the 65th Annual International Astronautical Congress held in Toronto, Canada
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Slate on the Legal Aspects of Commercial Asteroid Mining
- Brian Weeden Discusses Space Security and Sustainability at the Council on Foreign Relations in NYC
- SWF Plays Active Role in 2014 International Astronautical Congress
- SWF co-hosts event entitled "Orbital Slots and Spectrum Use in an Era of Interference"
- Brian Weeden Quoted by ABC News on the Return of the X-37B OTV-3 From Orbit
- September/October Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Foreign Policy on the Recent Space Launch Incidents
- Brian Weeden Featured in Al Jazeera Interview on the X-37B
- Report on Asteroid Impact Risk Communication Workshop Now Available
- Brian Weeden Quoted on on the Challenge of Space Debris
- Brian Weeden Participates in the World Economic Forum's 2014 Summit on the Global Agenda
- IAC Scholarship Recipients 2014
- Dr Simpson Keynotes Space Traffic Management Conference
- Brian Weeden Quoted by on the Recent Rendezvous Actions of a Russian Satellite
- Report of U.S.-China Workshop on Earth Observation Data Sharing Now Available
- Brian Weeden Quoted on on Rumored Russian Space Weapon Test
- Simpson, Delgado López Quoted by on Release of Asteroid Impact Communication Report
- Ray Williamson Future Fund 2014 Award Recipients Announced
- SWF Holds Panel Discussion on the Changing Nature of Space Situational Awareness
- Brian Weeden Quoted in DefenseNews on US-China Relations in Space
- Public Report on Orbital Slots and Spectrum Use Now Available
- November/December Newsletter
- Weeden, Delgado López Publish Letter in Space News on Value of Meteorological Cooperation
- SWF Sponsors Space Generation Congress (SGC) Working Group on Policy and Legal Aspects of On-Orbit Servicing
- SWF Executive Director Delivers Closing Talk at ISPCS
- SWF Participates in 2015 SmallSat Conference
- SWF-sponsored SGC Working Group Report on On-Orbit Servicing now online
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Science Magazine on Space Debris
- New Advisory Committee Members Announced
- Brian Weeden Quoted in International Business Times on New Senate Leadership of Space and Science Subcommittee:
- Brian Weeden Publishes Op-Ed on U.S. Strategy For Dealing with a More Contested Space Environment
- SWF Executive Director to Address Middle East Military Space Symposium
- Laura Delgado López Joins AIAA NCS Panel on Careers in Space Policy
- SWF holds event on Space and the Arctic
- Brian Weeden Briefs UNCOPUOS STSC on Recent SWF Activities
- SWF Announces Initiative to Develop a Handbook for New Actors in Space
- Washington Office Director Victoria Samson presents at the Eurasia Group - International Norms and Values Workshop #2
- Brian Weeden Quoted at on DMSP Satellite Explosion
- SWF March Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Aviation Week Article on DMSP Satellite Explosion
- SWF hosts two day conference on connecting space with international security
- Laura Delgado López Moderates AAS-AMS Women in Weather Hangout
- Laura Delgado López Co-writes Two Articles in Latest Issue of Space Times
- Brian Weeden Participates in Workshop on US-China Relations in Strategic Domains
- SWF Holds Panel Discussion on International Law and Military Activities in Space
- SWF holds panel discussion on the Challenges in Sharing Weather Satellite Spectrum With Terrestrial Networks
- Victoria Samson publishes book chapter "Changing Priorities for the Indian Military in Space"
- SWF and UNIDIR hold meeting on the principles of the right to self-defense and outer space
- Job Posting: SWF Colorado Office Seeking Project Manager
- SWF April Newsletter
- SWF Project Manager Chris Johnson addresses Legal Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS
- SWF Project Manager Chris Johnson announces handbook for new actors in space at UNCOPUOS
- Brian Weeden Interivewed at Vice News Talking about the Realities of War in Space
- Brian Weeden Featured in 60 Minutes Piece on Space Security
- SWF Holds Regional Workshop on the Long-term Sustainability of Space Activities in Costa Rica
- Laura Delgado López joins panel at NOAA Satellite Conference
- SWF May Newsletter
- Michael Simpson and Laura Delgado López Co-author Article on Space Sustainability in ROOM Journal
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Reuters on New U.S. Report on Chinese ASAT Testing and Space Capabilities
- Brian Weeden Quoted by the Economist on Dealing With Space Debris
- Brian Weeden Interviewed at Breaking Defense on China's Space Capabilities
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Florida Today on Fourth X-37B Launch
- Report of the Regional Workshop on the Long-term Sustainability of Space Activities Now Available
- SWF Announces Young Professionals Scholarships for IAC 2015 in Jerusalem
- Executive Director Michael Simpson Emcees at ISDC
- Executive Director Michael Simpson Addresses Earth Observation Conference in Bonn, Germany
- Laura Delgado López Speaks at Geospatial World Forum
- SWF June Newsletter
- SWF holds first workshop on the Handbook for New Actors in Space
- Laura Delgado López Joins Space Panel at tjSTAR
- SWF Actively Participates in the 58th Session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS)
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Via Satellite on European Space Debris Removal Efforts
- Brian Weeden Quoted by Breaking Defense on New U.S. Military-Intelligence Space Operations Center
- Brian Weeden Interviewed by WHYY Radio on Space Debris
- Report of SWF-Supported Flood Modelling Workshop in Mexico Available
- Report on the Principles of Self Defense in Outer Space is now available
- Victoria Samson and Laura Delgado López Publish Articles in Spring Issue of Apogeo Spatial
- SWF July 2015 Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Featured in "Space Geeks" Podcast from SpaceNews
- Brian Weeden Quoted in National Defense Magazine on Funding Cuts to Existing Air Force Satellite Programs
- Laura Delgado López’ Article on Apogeo Spatial Highlights SWF-supported Capacity Building Workshops
- Washington Office Director, Victoria Samson makes statement at ICoC negotiations
- Laura Delgado López Discusses Smallsats at MIIS Workshop on Strategic Stability
- IAC Scholarship Recipients Announced
- SWF Participates in the 2015 ISU Space Studies Program in Athens, Ohio
- Brian Weeden Participates in Second Workshop on U.S.-China Relations in Strategic Domains
- New Advisory Committee Members Announced (1)
- Brian Weeden Quoted in Scientific American on the Increasing Likelihood of Conflict in Space
- Laura Delgado López Participates in GeoBuiz Summit Pre-Conference
- Laura Delgado López Featured in GeoBuiz Exclusive
- Job posting: SWF DC Office Seeking Administrative Assistant (1)
- SWF co-hosts two-day conference on space security
- SWF August Newsletter
- SWF September Newsletter
- SWF Holds Workshop on Self-Defense in Space
- Brian Weeden Quoted by Scientific American on the Possibility of War in Space
- Brian Weeden Quoted at on Private Sector Interest in Space Situational Awareness
- SWF Contributes to Discussions of SSA Policy and Cooperation at 2015 AMOS Conference
- SWF October Newsletter
- Chris Johnson Interviewed for Marketplace on NPR
- SWF Sponsors Space Generation Congress Working Group
- Chris Johnson speaks about Space for Peace at the Israel Arts and Sciences Academy in Jerusalem, Israel
- Brian Weeden Quoted by the BBC on Intelsat Concerns Over Russian Luch Satellite
- Ian Christensen speaks on “Space Age Solutions to Earth's Complex Challenges” Panel at SXSW Eco Conference
- Brian Weeden Presents on the Challenges of New Actors at 3rd Spacecraft Anomalies and Failures Workshop
- SWF President and SWF Executive Director Speak at the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight
- SWF Plays Key Role in 66th International Astronautical Congress
- Brian Weeden Participates in World Economic Forum Brainstorming Session on Global Challenges
- Brian Weeden Participates in Panel Discussion on New and Emerging Technologies in Space
- SWF Staff Featured in Videos from 2015 AMOS Conference
- Laura Delgado López Discusses Space Governance and Space Policy at University of Puerto Rico
- SWF November Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Quoted on on Challenges of Large Commercial Satellite Constellations
- SWF Contributes to GEO-XII Plenary & Mexico City Ministerial Summit, Highlights Spectrum Management Issues
- Victoria Samson Gives a Presentation on "SSA and STM: Current status and possible improvements" at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach Florida
- Ian Christensen Discusses Developments and Policy Related to Commercial Space at the Canadian Space Summit
- Chris Johnson Quoted on Life of the Law's Latest Episode "Space Law 2.0"
- Victoria Samson Publishes Article Reviewing "Export Controls of Space Systems" in Astropolitics
- Chris Johnson Interviewed for PBS NovaNext on Space Law & Policy
- Brian Weeden Quoted in SpaceNews on Intelsat Concerns About Russian Proximity Operations in Orbit
- Victoria Samson Speaks at Embry-Riddle
- Secure World Foundation's 2015 AMOS Dialogue Report
- Brian Weeden Presents on Space Situational Awareness at 3rd ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop on Space Security in Beijing
- Brian Weeden Presents on U.S. Responses to Outer Space Threats at 18th International Symposium on Security Affairs in Tokyo
- Brian Weeden Presents on Space Debris at the National Research Council
- Chris Johnson Quoted In Foreign Press
- Preparations Begin for Fourth UN Conference on Space Policy
- Ian Christensen Presents at 22nd Annual Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF)
- Brian Weeden Discusses Space Technology and Policy/Legal Impacts at Galloway Symposium
- Victoria Samson Publishes "Workshop Review: Export Controls of Space Systems" in Astropolitics
- Ray Williamson Future Fund 2015 Award Recipients Announced
- Victoria Samson Quoted in Article on Vice News
- Victoria Samson and Brian Weeden Co-Author Paper "Self-defense in space: A summary of discussions"
- SWF December Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Interviewed by the BBC About the Realities of War in Space
- SWF Co-Hosts Webinar on Radio Frequency Interference
- Laura Delgado López Joins International Committee Under AMS Board on Global Strategies
- Brian Weeden Delivers Keynote Lecture on Policy Aspects of Space Debris and Sustainability
- Brian Weeden Quoted in SpaceNews on Space Debris Implications of Russian Briz-M Rocket Explosion
- Laura Delgado López' Article on Space Sustainability Approaches of Emerging Space Nations Published in Space Policy
- SWF is Founding Partner of International Working Group on Space Resources
- Victoria Samson Discusses the State of Space Security
- Michael Simpson Attended the International Space University's Southern Hemisphere Space Program
- Victoria Samson Discusses Mitigating the Risks in Space Security
- SWF February Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Moderates Panel on Space Traffic Management at FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conference
- Brian Weeden Delivers SWF Statement on Recent SWF Activities at the 53rd Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee on UNCOPUOS
- Brian Weeden Quoted in NPR Story on GPS Vulnerabilities and Renewed Interest in Celestial Navigation
- Ian Christensen Attends the 11th Annual Ilan Ramon International Space Conference in Herzilya, Israel
- SWF Co-sponsors Event in New Delhi, India
- SWF March 2016 Newsletter
- Laura Delgado López Delivers Lecture for UCT Space and Society Course
- SWF Actively Participates in Spring Meetings of the International Astronautical Federation
- Laura Delgado López Presents at the 5th Annual Meeting of the CEOS WGCapD
- Insight - SWF and The Space Symposium
- SWF April 2016 Newsletter
- SWF Holds Panel Discussion on the Policy and Practical Implications of Spectrum Protection
- SWF Co-Sponsors Space Generation Fusion Forum
- Mike Simpson Addresses Symposium on Legal Aspects of Space Resource Utilization at Leiden University
- Earth Day Message From Michael Simpson, SWF Executive Director
- SWF Announces Young Professionals Scholarships for IAC 2016 in Guadalajara, Mexico
- Job posting: SWF Colorado Office Seeking Administrative Assistant
- Highlights from SWF events at the 32nd Space Symposium
- Victoria Samson speaks to UPenn's Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL)
- Laura Delgado López Speaks at GeoBuiz Summit 2016
- Space-based Weather Capabilities in the Arctic Report Now Available
- SWF-State Department Event Highlights Global Nature of Space Weather Challenges
- Laura Delgado López Publishes Article on Data Policy Issues Raised by Smallsats
- SWF Co-Hosts Space Security 2016
- Insight – Building Common Understanding on Space Resources Use
- SWF May 2016 Newsletter
- SWF Panel Examines Challenges and Opportunities Facing New Space Actors
- Laura Delgado López Speaks at International Space Development Conference
- Insight - Maximizing the Sustainability of Growing Space Activities
- SWF June 2016 Newsletter
- Ian Christensen presents at the 7th joint meeting of The Space Resources Roundtable (SRR) and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium (PTMSS)
- Brian Weeden Participates in the 4th International Space Debris Mitigation and Remediation Workshop
- Chris Johnson Presents at the American Bar Association Forum on Air and Space Law
- SWF Co-Sponsors Space Security Conference in Prague
- SWF Says Goodbye to Project Manager Laura Delgado López
- Insight - UNCOPUOS and Space Sustainability
- SWF July 2016 Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Discusses Space Traffic Management With Future Space Leaders
- SWF 2016 IAC Young Professionals Scholarship Recipients Announced
- Space Security Conference Report Released
- SWF will hold side event on satellite operator best practices for minimizing collisions at 2016 SmallSat Conference
- Insight - Cooperative Approaches to Space Security and Stability
- SWF Welcomes Advisory Committee Members
- SWF and SVSBR Co-host Panel Examining Policy and Market Developments in the Geospatial Community
- SWF August 2016 Newsletter
- SWF Outreach to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
- Insight - Small Satellites and Space Situational Awareness
- SWF September 2016 Newsletter
- Job Posting: SWF DC Office Seeking Admin Assistant
- SWF Contributes to the 2016 AIAA Space Forum in Long Beach
- Victoria Samson interviewed on CCTV-America on China's space program
- Victoria Samson publishes chapter on international options for crisis stability in space
- SWF Focuses on Space Traffic Management and Small Satellites at 2016 AMOS Conference in Maui
- Insight - The 67th International Astronautical Congress
- Ray Williamson Future Fund 2016 Award Winners
- SWF Contributed to the 67th International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico
- SWF Supports Space Generation Congress 2016
- Brian Weeden Participates in the Kick-Off Meeting for the McGill Manual on International Law and Military Uses of Outer Space
- Chris Johnson presented on Space and Human Rights, Immigration, and Refugees at the International Bar Association 2016 Annual Conference
- SWF participates at 10th United Nations Workshop on Space Law
- SWF October 2016 Newsletter
- SWF Staff Speak at the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight
- Ian Christensen Quoted in the Gazette on the Need for Sustainability in Space
- Victoria Samson Quoted in Space Daily on the Crucial Role of Satellites in US National Security Infrastructure
- Chris Johnson Interviews and Facilitates Discussion with Niklas Hedman at the American Society of International Law
- SWF Hosts Roundtable on Value Creation in Commercial Space
- Krystal Wilson Publishes Blog Post on Humanitarian Uses of Space
- Ian Christensen Presents at the Reinventing Space Conference
- Progress and Planning Ahead: International Best Practices for Outer Space Sustainability
- Insight - Commercial Space: Sustainability and Value
- SWF Hosts Dinner for COMSTAC
- SWF November 2016 Newsletter
- Ian Christensen Presents at the World Space Risk Forum
- Ian Christensen Presents at 23rd Annual Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
- Brian Weeden and Victoria Samson Participate in 2016 CODER Workshop on Space Debris
- Victoria Samson Presents at USGIF Smallsat Workshop
- Krystal Wilson Participates in GEO-XIII Plenary
- UN/UAE High Level Forum Produces the Dubai Declaration
- Michael Simpson Publishes Op-Ed on the Dubai Declaration in SpaceWatch Middle East
- Krystal Wilson Participates in Embry-Riddle 3rd Annual Space Traffic Management Conference
- Insight - The UN/UAE High Level Forum on Space for Socio-Economic Sustainable Development
- Victoria Samson participated in a panel discussion at The 2nd EU-US Space Policy Conference
- Video Posted of Brian Weeden Moderating Panel Discussion on Space Traffic Management at 2016 AMOS Conference
- Ian Christensen Moderates Panel at 13th Annual Colorado Space Business Roundtable Round-up
- Michael Simpson and Ian Christensen Speak at Eisenhower Center Space Forum
- Chris Johnson Speaks at the 11th Annual Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law
- Brian Weeden Speaks at Defense One Event on the Future of Military Space
- SWF December 2016 Newsletter
- Brian Weeden Participates in a Workshop on U.S.-China Relations in Strategic Domains in Beijing, China
- Insight - 2017 and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty
- SWF January 2017 Newsletter
- The United States, China, and Space Security: Issues for the Trump Administration
- SWF Staff Participate in the 54th Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS
- Workshop in Israel Discusses Relationship Between Small Satellites and Space Sustainability
- Chris Johnson Quoted by The Verge on Significance of Outer Space Treaty
- Chris Johnson Quoted by Inside Science on Outer Space Treaty's Contributions to Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
- Insight - Building Stronger U.S.-China Relations in Space
- Ray Williamson Future Fund 2017 Award Winner
- UN Office of Outer Space Affairs releases official UN/UAE High Level Forum Report
- 50th Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty Luncheon Event
- Maximizing the Use of Geospatial and Statistical Data for the Sustainable Development Goals
- SWF Tapped to Lead Teamwork Panel at Global Space Congress in Abu Dhabi
- Maui Economic Development Board and SWF Release Summary of the 2016 AMOS Dialogue
- SWF Participates at ISU Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program
- The 3rd Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue in New Delhi, India Addressed Socioeconomic Challenges Where Space is an Asset
- First MILAMOS Workshop in Adelaide, Australia, Discusses International Law and Military Space Activities
- The 2017 Global Space & Technology Convention in Singapore Prepares for the Democratization of Space
- SWF February 2017 Newsletter
- SWF Supports SpaceWatch Middle East
- Washington Office Director Victoria Samson Participated on a Panel Hosted by the Washington Space Business Roundtable
- Insight - Small Satellites for the Global South
- SWF March 2017 Newsletter
- Chris Johnson Lectures on COPUOS at University of Leiden
- Emerging and Established Spacefaring Nations Discuss the Governing of Space Activity at Wilton Park.
- Panel Discussion on Space Crisis Dynamics and Uncertainty
- SWF Submits Letter to Congress on Oversight of Commercial Space Activities
- Chris Johnson Lectures on New Private Actors in Space at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy
- Spring Meetings of the International Astronautical Federation Discuss Topics Related to Space Sustainability
- Chris Johnson Quoted in ABA Journal Addressing the Outer Space Treaty's Challenges at 50 Years
- SWF Staff Participate in the 56th Session of the Legal Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS
- SWF Director of Program Planning Dr. Brian Weeden Talks about Public Policy and the Evolution of Commercial SSA
- Insight - Tabletop Exercises to Help Reduce the Risk of Conflict in Space
- SWF April 2017 Newsletter
- Victoria Samson and Brian Weeden Interviewed for Defense & Aerospace Report on Space Policy and Potential Threats
- SWF Co-Hosted Two Events at the Space Foundation's 33rd Annual Space Symposium
- Workshop Discusses Technical, Business, and Regulatory Aspects of Small Satellites
- SWF Scholarships for IAC 2017 are Available to Young Professionals
- SWF Collaborated with UNIDIR and The Simons Foundation Canada to Organize the 2017 Space Security Conference
- Considerations on the Increasing Use of Space for Maritime Domain Awareness
- Panel Discusses Relationship Between Technology Development Efforts In On-Orbit Servicing, Space Debris Remediation, and Satellite Manufacturing
- SWF Engaged with Young Leaders at the Space Generation Fusion Forum
- Principles for Transparency in Active Debris Removal Operations Discussed at SWF-Hosted Workshop at 7th European Space Debris Conference
- Insight - International Discourse, New Space Actors, and the Space Symposium
- Victoria Samson Serves as Expert Commentator for SAIS 2017 Asia Conference
- SWF May 2017 Newsletter
- Space Resources Policy Issues Discussed at Canadian Institute of Mining 2017 Convention
- SWF Podcast - "Trash in the Skies: The Challenge of Space Debris"
- SWF Podcast - "Release of the 2012 Space Security Index"
- SWF Podcast - "Industry and Defense on Space Cooperation"
- SWF Podcast - "Asia in Space: Cooperation or Competition?"
- SWF Podcast - "Space Policy Challenges Facing the Second Obama Administration"
- SWF Podcast - "Near-Earth Objects: Addressing the Current Threat Level"
- SWF Podcast - "Earth Observation Satellite Data Sharing: Policies and Partnerships"
- SWF Podcast - "International Space Reception"
- SWF Podcast - "Satellite Servicing and Debris Removal: An Assessment of Prospects and Challenges"
- SWF Podcast - "Gravity in Real Life: Legal and Political Implications of an Accident in Space"
- SWF Podcast - "Monitoring the High Seas: The Increasing Role of Space in Maritime Domain Awareness"
- SWF Collaborated with Sherman & Howard to Host Panel Event Discussing The Outer Space Treaty & Colorado Space Business
- Chris Johnson Appointed Adjunct Faculty at International Space University
- SWF Submits Letter to Congress on Commercial Space Development and the Outer Space Treaty
- SWF Co-Hosted Space Weather as a Global Challenge Conference at the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
- SWF Publishes Summary Report on Workshop on Principles for Safe and Responsible Active Debris Removal
- SWF Publishes Updated Fact Sheet on the Air Force's X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle
- SWF Podcast - "Seeing Into Space: Perspectives and Initiatives for Enhancing Space Situational Awareness"
- SWF Podcast - "Space and the Arctic: Why Space Capabilities Are Important for Sustainable Arctic Development"
- SWF Podcast - "International Law and Military Activities in Outer Space"
- SWF Podcast - "Challenges in Sharing Weather Satellite Spectrum with Terrestrial Networks"
- SWF Podcast - "Commercial Space Stations in LEO: Preparing For the Future"
- SWF Podcast - "Broadcasting GEOSS: Key Issues in Spectrum Management and Earth Observations"
- SWF Podcast - "Spectrum Protection: An Examination of the Policy and Practical"
- SWF Podcast - "Space Security: Norms, Resiliency, and Protection"
- SWF Podcast - "Asteroids, Mining, and Policy: Practical Consideration of Space Resource Rights"
- SWF Podcast - "Challenges and Opportunities Facing New Space Actors"
- SWF Podcast - "An Examination of the U.S. National Security Space Strategy"
- SWF Podcast - "Progress on International Best Practices for Space Sustainability Part 1"
- SWF Podcast - "Progress on International Best Practices for Space Sustainability Part 2"
- SWF Podcast - "Progress on International Best Practices for Space Sustainability Part 3"
- SWF Podcast - "Progress on International Best Practices for Space Sustainability Part 4"
- Krystal Wilson Participates in 2017 NOAA Space Weather Workshop
- Conference Considers Issues of Global Space Governance and the UN 2030 Agenda
- Two Co-Located Events in South Africa Look at Earth Observation Initiatives
- SWF Participates in the 60th Plenary Session of UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
- Insight - Space Weather as a Sustainability Issue
- SWF June 2017 Newsletter
- SWF Staff Attend the US Geospatial Intelligence Forum
- Report and Video from Wilton Park Event Co-Sponsored by SWF Now Available
- SWF Provides Technical Expertise to Second MILAMOS Workshop in New Delhi, India
- SWF Co-Sponsored the Space Weather Enterprise Forum
- SWF 2017 IAC Young Professionals Scholarship Recipients Announced
- Insight - The Rule of Law and Military Space Activities
- SWF Speaks and Participates in 2017 NewSpace Conference
- State of Space 2017: An International Perspectives Panel
- SWF July 2017 Newsletter
- Trash in the Skies II: Industry Perspectives on Dealing with Space Debris
- SWF Invited by the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School
- SWF Publishes Updated Fact Sheet on the UN COPUOS Long-Term Sustainability Guidelines
- 2017 NOAA Satellite Conference Addresses Future View of Satellite Meteorology
- SWF Supports Newly Founded Brooke Owens Fellowship Program
- International Space University/Secure World Foundation Partnership Continues in Cork, Ireland
- SWF Staff Participation in the Hague Academy of International Law's 2017 Summer Course
- Updates to Advisory Committee Members Announced
- Insight - The United Nations, COPUOS, and Space in 2017
- SWF Discusses Best Practices for Cubesat Launch, Deployment, and Disposal at 2017 SmallSat Conference
- Victoria Samson Interviewed on CTV News Concerning North Korean Sanctions
- SWF August 2017 Newsletter
- SWF September 2017 Newsletter
- Michael Simpson Interviewed by Cipher Brief on Space Debris Mitigation
- Insight - Norms of Behavior In An Increasingly Commercialized Space Domain
- Secure World Foundation Seeks Next Executive Director
- UNIDIR Publishes Space Security 2017 - Conference Report
- The Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group Releases Draft Building Blocks
- SWF Leads Discussions on Commercial SSA and Space Traffic Management at 2017 AMOS Conference
- Fifty Years of Space Law - Space Law in 50 Years
- SWF Team Authors 2017 Space Law Moot Court Problem
- Michael Simpson Quoted by SpaceDaily on Space Mineral Resources and Space Law
- American Bar Association Forum on Air and Space Law Discusses International Law and National Space Legislation
- Second Annual Roundtable on Value and Benefit Creation in Commercial Space Held in Washington, DC
- SWF Supports Space Generation Congress 2017
- Insight - 68th International Astronautical Congress
- SWF October 2017 Newsletter
- Sustainability Initiatives in Commercial Space Discussed at International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight
- Public-Private Partnerships Discussed at U.S. GEO Week Pre-Event
- SWF Participates in Third MILAMOS Workshop on International Law and Military Activities in Space
- SWF Discusses Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Challenges with Satellite Industry
- Secure World Executive Director Search is Open Until October 31st
- SWF Project Manager Krystal Wilson joins the Group on Earth Observations Programme Board
- SWF Contributes to GEO Week 2017
- SWF Panel Event "Trash in the Skies III" Discusses Space Debris Removal on Capitol Hill
- SWF November 2017 Newsletter
- WEF Council on the Future of Space Technologies Discusses Incentives for Space Sustainability
- SWF Discusses the Global Economic Impact of Space at Economist Space Summit in Seattle
- SWF Participates at UN/UAE High Level Forum
- Insight - Fostering Industry Standards for Satellite Servicing
- NGO Role in Space Sustainability Discussed at APRSAF-24 in Bengaluru, India
- SWF Participates in the Fifth High Level Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management
- Colorado's Role in International Space Policy Discussed at the 2017 Space Round-Up
- Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges of Citizen Science for Earth Observation
- SWF Space Law Advisor Chris Johnson Moderated at Panel Discussion at the 12th Annual Eilene Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law
- SWF Participates in the Moon Village Foundation Workshop
- SWF Washington Office Director Victoria Samson Moderated a Panel at the Defense Strategies Institute's 4th Space Resiliency Summit
- Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group Briefs New Space: Europe on Draft Building Blocks
- Insight - Supporting Earth Observation Policy and Coordination
- SWF December 2017 Newsletter
- SWF Contributes to Discussion on Deterring Future Conflict in Space
- SWF Contributes to AIAA Discussion of Policy Support for Space Commercialization
- Space Sustainability Topics Introduced at CABSAT 2018 in Dubai
- Workshop Discusses Relationship of Insurance and Responsible Behavior in Space
- SWF Collaborated With Sherman & Howard, and the Space Foundation to Host a Space and Cyber Seminar
- SWF Staff Participate in the 55th Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS
- SWF Actively Participates in the Group on Earth Observation Programme Board
- Insight - UNISPACE+50 and the High Level Forum
- Ray Williamson Future Fund 2018 Award Winner
- SWF February 2018 Newsletter
- 4th Kalpana Chawla Space Policy Dialogue Addressed Indian and International Space Policy Perspectives
- SWF Keynotes Canadian SmallSat Symposium
- Insight - International Women’s Day: Women in Space
- CONFERS Program to Develop Industry Consensus Standards for On-Orbit Servicing Discussed at Global Space and Technology Convention
- SWF March 2018 Newsletter
- International Space Exploration Forum Seeks Strategies for International Cooperation for the Moon Base and Space Natural Resources
- Job Posting: SWF Washington DC Office Seeking Administrative Assistant
- SWF Provides Expertise for the 2018 ISU Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program
- SWF Supports Space Seminar at Vatican Observatory
- WorldDenver Celebrates Women in Space
- SWF Participates in Spring Meetings of the 2018 International Astronautical Federation
- Student Generation Advisory Council Holds Event at European Space Agency Highlighting Success of Alumni
- Panel Discusses the Role of Standards and Best Practices in an Increasing Complex Orbital Environment
- Victoria Samson Quoted in Aerospace American on Long-Term Sustainability and International Cooperation in Space
- SWF April 2018 Newsletter
- SWF Releases New Report on Global Counterspace Capabilities
- Insight - Global Proliferation of Counterspace Capabilities and Space Sustainability
- Chris Johnson and Ian Christensen Quoted in Slate on Satellite Licensing and Recent Unauthorized Satellite Launch
- SWF Luncheon Focuses on Commercial Sector Norms at 34th Space Symposium
- SWF Co-Sponsored and Participated in 7th Space Generation Fusion Forum at Space Symposium
- Insight - Regulatory Reform is Not a One-off Event
- SWF Co-Organizes Panel Event on “Implications of Space Station Privatization: Policy and Planning Ahead"
- Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group Holds Meeting
- SWF Staff Participate in the 57th Session of the Legal Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS
- Chris Johnson Quoted by Futurism on Implications of Unlicensed Activities by Swarm
- Human and Environmental Security at the 7th Digital Earth Summit
- Legal and Ethical Boundaries of Conflict in Space
- SWF Scholarships for IAC 2018 are Available to Young Professionals
- Managing the Security Challenges from the Proliferation of Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Technology
- How to Attract and Retain Women in STEM Education and Space Related Careers
- SWF May 2018 Newsletter
- Ian Christensen Quoted by CNBC on Space Resources Development
- SWF's "Handbook for New Actors in Space" Cited in Spacewatch Global OpEd
- SWF Counterspace Report Cited in C4ISRNET
- SWF Participates in European Space Forum
- Josh Wolny Promoted to Project Manager
- SWF Provides Expertise at the 2018 Space Security Index Working Group
- Insight - Space and the Sustainable Development Goals
- SWF June 2018 Newsletter
- SWF Holds Successful Workshop in Bengaluru On Space Situational Awareness
- SWF Contributes to the Group on Earth Observation Activities
- CSIS and SWF Discuss Counterspace Threats
- SWF Co-Hosts Earth Observation Data Panel Discussion
- SWF Panel Addresses Space Traffic Management Issues
- Chris Johnson Lectures on New Actors in Space at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy
- Policy Tipping Points Discussed at the 2018 NewSpace Conference
- Job Posting: SWF Washington DC Office Seeking Intern
- SWF Mentioned in Satnews Daily
- SWF July 2018 Newsletter
- Insight - United Nations Community Gathers for Global Discussion of Space Policy at UNISPACE+50
- Fourth Meeting for the Manual on International Law Applicable to Military Activities in Outer Space Convenes in Montreal
- SWF Team Supports the International Space University's 2018 Space Studies Program
- Space & Satellite Professionals International Mid-Atlantic Board Elects Krystal Wilson as Director at Large
- The Third Annual Space Weather as a Global Challenge Event Highlights Opportunities for Collaboration
- SWF Participates in Panel Discussion on Legal and Policy Frameworks for Geospatial Information Management
- SWF Co-Sponsored the 2018 Space Weather Enterprise Forum
- SWF 2018 IAC Young Professionals Scholarship Recipients Announced
- UNIDIR Publishes 2018 Space Security Conference Report
- International Institute of Space Commerce Selects Ian Christensen as One of '35 Under 35'
- UN COPUOS Working Group on Space Sustainability Concludes its Work with Agreement on 21 Guidelines
- Insight - CubeSats and the FCC: The Sky is Not Falling
- Secure World Foundation Selects Peter Martinez as Its Next Executive Director
- SWF August 2018 Newsletter
- First Workshop For the Woomera Manual on the International Law of Military Space Operations Meets in Exeter
- European Center for Space Law Convenes 2018 Summer Course on Space Law and Policy
- SWF Welcomes Luc Riesbeck
- SWF Participates in Annual SmallSatellite Conference
- SWF Co-Hosts Event on Careers in Space Policy
- SWF September 2018 Newsletter
- Job Posting: SWF Washington DC Office Seeking Office Coordinator
- SWF Participates in Panel Discussion on Earth Observation and Open Geospatial Software Projects
- How Space Data Can Support Global Development Discussed at the 2018 SatSummit Conference
- SWF Participated in First United Nations Conference on Space Law and Policy in Moscow
- CONFERS and Industry Standards for Satellite Servicing Discussed During Panel Session at AIAA Space 2018 Conference
- Third Annual Roundtable on Value and Benefit Creation in Commercial Space Held in New York City
- 9th Annual Billington Cybersecurity Summit Invites Victoria Samson to Speak
- SWF Leads Discussions On Space Situational Awareness And Commercial Rendezvous and Proximity Operations at 2018 AMOS Conference
- Wilson Center Conference on Canada - U.S. Space Cooperation Discusses Policy Challenges and Principles in Space
- Major Issues Affecting STM and Future Challenges Presented at the European Space Policy Institute
- SWF Supports Space Generation Congress 2018
- Insight - Socialization and Implementation of the UN COPUOS Space Sustainability Guidelines
- Norms of Behavior for Responsible Space Operations Discussed at International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight
- SWF's Krystal Wilson Identified as a Future Leader to Watch
- SWF Supports The 9th Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users' Conference
- SWF Experts Quoted in Politico Space About the Role of the Commercial Sector in Shaping Norms
- SWF Contributes to Debate about the Pros and Cons of a Separate Space Force
- SWF Staff Contribute to 69th International Astronautical Congress
- SWF Experts Participate in Launch of Space Security Index 2018
- SWF Co-Hosts Event on Space Technology Supporting Local Communities
- SWF Contributes to the 12th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment
- Insight - Space Situational Awareness and Commercial Rendezvous and Proximity Operations
- SWF Contributes to World Economic Forum's Council on the Future of Space Technologies
- SWF Contributes to Panel Discussion on International Law and National Security Space Activities at George Mason Law School
- SWF Co-Sponsors CODER Workshop on Orbital Debris
- SWF Expert Guest Lectures in Prague on Space Stability
- Victoria Samson Participates in Panel on Space Policy at World Affairs Councils of America's Annual Conference
- SWF Co-Sponsors Conference on Space Security in Brussels
- SWF Contributes to Panel Discussion on Space and Cybersecurity
- SWF Contributes to GEO Week 2018
- SWF Contributes to the Inaugural United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress
- SWF Participates in UN High Level Forum
- SWF November 2018 Newsletter
- SWF Provides Input on Best Practices and Norms at the 7th Annual Space and Satellite Colloquium
- SWF Discusses Space Law and Policy Issues Affecting Space Debris at the 25th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
- NewSpace Europe Explores Governance Issues in a "Lunar Economy"
- SWF Participates in the Fifth Meeting of the MILAMOS Project in Beijing
- SWF Contributes to Discussions on the Future of Military Space and Options for a Space Force
- Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group Continues Work
- SWF and ESA Co-Host a Discussion on The Future of Space Safety
- SWF Participates in African Space Leadership Conference
- SWF Helps Organize the First Global Satellite Servicing Forum
- SWF Contributes to Space Security Discussions in Moscow
- Insight - Supporting Earth Observation and Citizen Science
- SWF December 2018 Newsletter
- SWF October 2018 Newsletter
- Secure World Foundation Winter 2019 Internship
- SWF Attends the American Meteorological Society's Annual Meeting
- SWF Facilitates Discussions on Priorities for South Korean Space Situational Awareness
- SWF Participates in Data.Space Conference 2019
- 2019 Updates to Advisory Committee and Board of Directors Announced
- SWF Speaks at UN GGE Intersessional Meeting
- Insight - Boom or Bust in Space Resources Policy
- SWF Highlights Implementation of Sustainability Guidelines and Commercial Satellite Servicing Standards at UN
- Victoria Samson Quoted by OZY on US Military Spending in Space
- SWF Advisor William Parker Quoted in Apogeo Spatial
- SWF Releases Kindle Version of the Handbook for New Actors in Space
- SWF Participates in International Symposium on the Stable Use of Outer Space in Tokyo
- SWF Contributes to GEO Programme Board
- SWF Supports the International Space University 2019 Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program
- SWF Participates in MILAMOS Workshop VI in Montreal, Canada
- SWF Participates in the Woomera Manual Plenary Workshop in Lincoln, Nebraska
- Insight - Announcing the Summit for Space Sustainability
- SWF February 2019 Newsletter
- SWF March 2019 Newsletter
- Workshop Examines Economic, Business, and Public Private Partnerships Questions for Lunar Space Resources Utilization
- SWF Welcomes Rob Ronci
- SWF Contributes to Group on Earth Observations
- Models for Industry and Government Cooperation in Space Exploration Policy Discussed at UNOOSA Workshop in Jordan
- Victoria Samson Quoted on the Indian ASAT test in Down To Earth
- SWF Staff Participate at Global Space Congress
- SWF Participates in Spring Meetings of the International Astronautical Federation
- Insight - Making Sense of Trump's Space Force
- SWF Comments to UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS) Now Available Online
- SWF Releases 2019 Report on Global Counterspace Capabilities
- SWF Counterspace Report Cited in Space News Article
- SWF Participates, Sponsors the IISL Space Law Moot Competition
- Job Posting: SWF Colorado Office Seeking Office Coordinator
- Commercial Space Policy Topics Discussed at Ivy Space Coalition Conference
- SWF US-China Panel Featured in SpaceNews
- Victoria Samson Featured in New Documentary from the CSIS Aerospace Security Project on the Origins of the Space Force
- Victoria Samson and Krystal Wilson Discuss Space Security, Value of Space Technology, and the Space Force on What in the World? Podcast
- Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group Continues Work on Building Blocks
- Now Available: Audio, Video from March 29 US-China Engagement in Space Event
- SWF Co-Sponsors the 2019 Space Weather Workshop
- SWF April 2019 Newsletter
- SWF Co-Sponsored and Participated in the 8th Space Generation Fusion Forum
- SWF Hosts Panel Discussion on US-China Engagement in Space
- SWF Co-Hosts Two Seminars at the Space Symposium
- SWF Participates in Wilton Park Discussion on Space Norms of Behavior
- SWF Scholarships for IAC 2019 are Available to Young Professionals
- SWF Executive Director Guest Lectures on the Role of Space Diplomacy at Baylor University
- SWF Facilitates Discussion on Base Infrastructure Requirements for Emerging Countries
- Insight - Avoiding Conflict in Outer Space
- SWF May 2019 Newsletter
- SWF Hosts Panel Discussion on India's ASAT Test
- SWF Partners with Observer Research Foundation for 5th Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- SWF Sponsors the 2019 Loftus Space Sustainability Award at the 10th IAASS Space Safety Conference
- SWF Participates in Discussions on the 2019 Space Security Index Working Group
- Workshop Discusses African Perspectives on Space Resources Utilization
- Krystal Wilson featured on SATELLITE2019 Earth Observation Data Panel
- SWF Presents Lightning Talk at SGx 2019 in Washington, D.C.
- SWF Participates in MILAMOS Workshop VII in Berlin, Germany
- SWF Sponsors 2019 UNIDIR Space Security Conference
- SWF Participates in 12th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites in Berlin
- Insight - African Perspectives on the Space Resources Dialogue
- SWF June 2019 Newsletter
- SWF Co-Organizes 5th PSSI Space Security Conference, “Evolution of the Counterspace Threat and Strengthening of International Space Partnerships”
- SWF Welcomes Elizabeth Blevins and Announces Changes to Ops Team Staffing
- SWF Hosts Summit for Space Sustainability
- Josh Wolny Wins American Astronautical Society's Molly K. Macauley Award
- SWF Participates in Space Enterprise Summit
- SWF Participates in 18th Annual C4ISRNET Conference
- Comments by Industry Leaders at Summit for Space Sustainability Highlighted in SpaceNews Article
- SWF Moderates “AI for Space” panel at AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, Switzerland
- Insight - Space Security Discussions
- SWF July 2019 Newsletter
- Role of Investor Sector in Encouraging Responsible Space Operations Discussed at Workshop in Tokyo, Japan
- SWF X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle Fact Sheet Cited in Popular Mechanics
- Insight - Lessons Learned from the Summit for Space Sustainability
- SWF 2019 IAC Young Professionals Scholarship Recipients Announced
- SWF August 2019 Newsletter
- SWF Supports Capacity Building in Space Law and Space Policy in South Africa
- SWF Participates in 2nd Thailand - US Civil Space Dialogue
- SWF Welcomes Visiting Scholar Quentin Verspieren
- Insight - The Terminology Challenges of Communicating Value in Space Enterprises
- SWF September 2019 Newsletter
- Workshop Discusses the Hidden Economic Value of Space Applications
- SWF Joins Global Space Safety Coalition
- Ian Christensen Speaks at Department of Commerce Space Commerce Workshop
- Peter Martinez Speaks About Small Satellites in Faculty of Engineering Space Studies Program at the University of Cape Town
- Peter Martinez Speaks to University of Colorado Aerospace Engineering Management Program Students
- SWF Leads International Dialogue on Space Situational Awareness, Large Constellations, and Open Access Data Repositories
- Brian Weeden Discusses Role of Space in Maritime Security at U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Space Weather Community Convenes to Review Benchmarks and Connect Across the Federal Government
- SWF Summit for Space Sustainability Featured in #SpaceWatchGL Column: "On war, debris, and commerce in space"
- Chris Johnson Participates in MILAMOS Workshop VII
- Spectrum Panel Discusses the Consequences of Interference for the Weather Enterprise
- Insight - Spectrum Interference: 5G and Meteorological Observations
- ConsenSys Space Announces TruSat Project, developed alongside SWF, University of Texas at Austin, and the Society of Women in Space Exploration
- SWF Space and Cyber Event Highlighted in BreakingDefense
- SWF Announces Staff Transition - Tiffany Chow
- SWF October 2019 Newsletter
- Fourth Annual Roundtable on Value and Benefit Creation in Commercial Space Held in London, UK
- Secure World Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communications Search is Open Until December 9, 2019
- SWF Supports Space Generation Congress 2019
- SWF Staff Contribute to 70th International Astronautical Congress
- SWF Contributed to U.S.-India Business Council's Commercial Space Dialogue
- SWF Facilitates Discussion on Bolstering the Space and Cyber Domains
- SWF Co-Organizes United Nations Side Event on Space Safety and Security
- SWF and UNIDIR Co-Organized an Informal Consultation Group on Commercialization of Military Space Services
- Final Building Blocks Released by Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group
- SWF Staff Participate in Yale conference on Space Strategy
- SWF November 2019 Newsletter
- SWF Talks about the Space Force and Space Security at the 2019 Symposium on Space Innovations
- Videos of SWF-led Panels at the 2019 AMOS Conference Now Available
- Space Sustainability Issues Highlighted at European Space Week
- SWF Staff Participate in Conference on US-India Strategic Cooperation
- SWF Staff Participate in State/Intel Event on Future Space Governance
- Report Published from SWF-UNIDIR Event on Commercialization of Military Space
- United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Partners with SWF to Launch "Space Law for New Space Actors" Project
- SWF Sponsors and Co-Organizes 14th Annual Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law
- SWF Participates in Geography 2050 Symposium
- SWF Participates in GEO Week 2019
- SWF and Open Lunar Foundation Host Workshop on Norms of Behavior in Space
- SWF Participates in Space Tech Expo: Europe
- SWF Washington DC Office Seeking Intern
- SWF Particpates in 8th African Space Leadership Congress
- SWF Staff Present on Legal Aspects of Planetary Protection
- European Space Weather Conference Highlights International Collaboration
- Insight - SWF 2020 in Preview
- SWF December 2019 Newsletter
- Bermuda Space Sustainability Workshop Featured in Royal Gazette
- Government of Bermuda and Local Space Industry Examine Space Sustainability in the Bermudian Context
- Wilton Park - Operating in Space: Current Multilateral Policy Issues and Challenges
- SWF Facilitates Discussion on Socioeconomic Benefits of the International Space Station
- Manual Para Nuevos Actores En El Espacio
- SWF Welcomes Interns Nicolas German and Renata Kommel
- Investor Perspective on Responsible Space Behavior Discussed at Singapore Workshop
- SWF February 2020 Newsletter
- SWF Contributes to the 57th Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS
- Ian Christensen Participates in Lunar Polar Resources Roundtable
- SWF Presents on Satellite Servicing Standards and Implementing Guidelines for Long-term Sustainability of Space at JSF Symposium in Tokyo
- SWF Participates in 6th Annual Space Traffic Management Conference in Austin, TX
- Insight - The Long Road to Civil Space Situational Awareness
- Now Available: Wilton Park Outcomes Statement
- 2nd Summit for Space Sustainability Postponed
- SWF Colorado Office Seeking Intern
- SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Highlighted in SpacePolicyOnline
- SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Featured in SpaceNews
- SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Featured in SpaceWatchGlobal
- SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Featured in Breaking Defense
- SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Featured in Axios Space Newsletter
- SWF March 2020 Newsletter
- Insight - Continued Proliferation of Global Counterspace Capabilities and Implications for Space Security
- SWF April 2020 Newsletter
- SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Highlighted in Popular Mechanics
- Now Available: Commentary on the Building Blocks for the Development of an International Framework on Space Resources Governance
- 2020 Global Counterspace Report Cited by CNBC Online
- SWF Hosts Webinar Discussion of Russia's Recent ASAT Test
- SWF Selects New Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communications
- Insight - New Delays on New Debris Rules at the FCC
- SWF May 2020 Newsletter
- SWF Co-Hosts Research Salon on Policy Implications of Dust on the Moon
- SWF Releases Updated Fact Sheet on the X-37B Program
- SWF Welcomes Interns Kaila Pfrang and Kathryn Walsh
- Spanish Language Version of Handbook for New Actors in Space Available on Amazon
- SWF Congratulates Manfred Lachs Moot Court Team North American Round Winners
- SWF Staff Contributes to Discussion of Perspectives of Developing Countries on Space Resources and Lunar Activities
- Insight - A View of the French Approach to the Militarization of Space
- SWF June 2020 Newsletter
- Statement on National Unrest by SWF Executive Director Peter Martinez
- Executive Director Peter Martinez Named as Recipient of IAF Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal
- SWF Co-Hosts Research Salon on Lunar Safety Zones
- 2nd Summit for Space Sustainability Student Essay Competition
- SWF Hosts Webinar Discussion on Trends in Latin America’s Space Activities
- Daniel Porras Joins SWF Team as Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communications
- SWF Co-Hosts Webinars on Rethinking PAROS, the Hague Code of Conduct and Beyond
- SWF Staff Speaks on Space Security Issues
- Insight - A Conversation with SWF Advisory Committee Member Bill Parker
- Brian Weeden, SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Featured in Undark Magazine
- SWF and MIT Space Enabled Research Group Hosts Webinar Discussion on Food Security and Space Technology
- NASA Interim Directives Announced at Moon Dialogs Event
- Ian Christensen Co-Authors Article In The Journal of Space Safety Engineering
- SWF Presents Overview of Small Satellite Related Regulatory Developments
- SWF July 2020 Newsletter
- SWF and MIT Space Enabled Research Group Continue Highlighting Space and the Sustainable Development Goals
- SWF and Partners Recognize a Decade of Service from Space Data Center
- SWF Co-Organizes Regional Dialogues on Operating in Space
- SWF Welcomes Bruno Sánchez-Andrade Nuño to Advisory Committee
- SWF Highlights Role of Government, Industry, and Civil Society in Implementing LTS Guidelines
- Insight - Emerging Lunar Governance Challenges and the Moon Dialogs
- The Space Generation Advisory Council's First Virtual Congress Features SWF Keynote and Working Group
- SWF and MIT Space Enabled Research Group Host Discussion on How Space Technology Supports Global Health Activities
- SWF Co-Sponsors Virtual Training Workshop on Satellite Servicing
- SWF Releases New Fact Sheets on Anti-satellite Testing in Space by Multiple Countries
- SWF and AEB Co-Host Webinar on Opportunities and Benefits in Space Resources Utilization
- SWF Releases New Fact Sheets on Robotic RPOs for Military and Intelligence Purposes by Multiple Countries
- Event report available for workshop series on operating safely in space
- SWF and MIT Space Enabled Research Group Host Discussion on How Space Technology Supports Economic Growth Activities
- SWF Webinar Explore Space Weather Effects on Small Satellites
- Spanish Language Handbook Event Video Available with English Subtitles
- The 2nd Summit for Space Sustainability is Less than One Week Away!
- Insight - Hosting SWF’s 2nd Summit for Space Sustainability
- Summit for Space Sustainability Space Force Panel Quoted in Space.Com
- Recaps NASA Administrator's Lunar Soil Announcement at Summit for Space Sustainability
- SWF Participates in Discussion on Governance of Global Moon Exploration
- SWF Leads Discussion on Chinese Perspectives on Military Space Programs
- SWF Leads Discussions on Cislunar Activities, Space Norms, and Industry Best Practices at 2020 Virtual AMOS Conference
- SWF Contributes Perspectives on Developing National Spacepower
- “Serving Society with Space Data” Webinar Series Concludes
- SWF Thanks Interns Kaila Pfrang, Renata Knittel Kommel, and Kathryn Walsh
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon: Registration Mechanisms for the Moon
- SWF Staff Discuss State of Space Security with Schriever Scholars
- SWF Participates in Virtual Global Aerospace Summit
- SWF Co-Organizes Second Sino-U.S. Space Commercialization Workshop
- Insight - Encouraging the Recovery and Use of Space Resources: Recommendations for Governmental Policies and Engagement
- Brian Weeden Discusses Geopolitical Space Competition and Cooperation at Wilson Center Event
- Peter Martinez Awarded Frank J Malina Astronautics Medal
- SWF Debuts on Space Store Live!
- SWF Hosts Event Highlighting Emerging Space Agencies
- SWF Co-Organizes Third Annual Global Satellite Servicing Forum (GSSF)
- SWF Participates in Meeting of the NOAA ACCRES Advisory Committee
- SWF Signs Memorandum of Understanding with the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
- Insight - Increasing Understanding of China's Commercial Space Activities
- SWF November 2020 Newsletter
- SWF Provides Space Policy and Sustainability Recommendations for the Incoming Biden Administration
- SWF Staff Discuss Law, Policy and Economics of Orbital Debris at the 2020 CODER Workshop
- SWF Briefing for Biden Administration Featured in POLITICO Space Newsletter
- SWF Staff Speaks on Commercial Space Resources Activities
- SWF Staff Elected to GEO Programme Board
- SWF Co-sponsors the National Space Weather Partnership's 2020 Space Weather Enterprise Forum (SWEF)
- SWF Staff Makes 'Critical Connections' at TMT Conference
- SWF Presents Poster at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
- SWF Awarded the SpaceNews Space Stewardship Award
- SWF Participates in Panel Discussion on Status and Future of the Space Force
- Security at the Frontier: UK-Japan Perspectives on Cyberspace, Outer space, the Arctic and Electronic Warfare
- SWF Co-sponsors the National Space Weather Partnership's 2020 Space Weather Enterprise Forum
- Insight – Review of 2020 and a Preview of 2021
- SWF 2020 in Review Video
- SWF Co-Hosts Event on U.N. Initiative to Develop Norms of Behavior in Space
- SWF Biden Administration Briefing Document Quoted in SpaceNews
- SWF Staff Moderates International Panel on Cubesat SSA Issues
- SWF Staff Appointed as Institute of Space Commerce Fellow
- SWF Staff Appointed to Air and Space Law Editorial Board
- Now Available: Moon Dialogs 2020 Policy Takeaways and Summary Report
- SWF December 2020 Newsletter
- Summary Report from 2020 AMOS Virtual Dialogue Now Available
- 2021 Updates to Advisory Committee and Board of Directors Announced
- SWF Staff Appointed to Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing
- Insight - Space Policy Priorities For the Biden-Harris Administration
- SWF Participates in 7th Annual IAA Space Traffic Management Conference
- SWF Staff Talk about Policy of Space Debris, Large Constellations, and Astronomy in Webinar Hosted by MacMillan Space Center in Vancouver
- Space Sustainability Initiative Highlighted in Daily Camera Article on Aerospace Industry in Boulder, CO
- SWF Moderates Panel on Developing "Rules" For Sustainable Space Logistics
- SWF Staff Discuss Sustainable Management of Earth Orbit and Lunar Mining at Commons in Space Virtual Conference
- SWF Staff Participate in Wilton Park Meeting, "Responsible behaviours in space, national submissions to the UN"
- Politico discusses SWF and Caelus Foundation's report on gaps in U.S. Perception s of the Chinese Commercial Space Sector
- Insight - Threats to space aren’t just weapons
- SWF March 2021 Newsletter
- SWF Statement on Recent Petition to the FCC on the Regulation of Large Satellite Constellations
- Industry Comments at SWF Event Highlighted in SpaceNews
- SWF Releases 2021 Global Counterspace Capabilities Report
- SWF Counterspace Report Highlighted in SpaceNews
- Insight - What Continued Global Proliferation of Counterspace Capabilities Means for Space Security and Sustainability
- Registration Available for the 3rd Summit for Space Sustainability
- SWF Welcomes Interns Marissa Martin and Sarah Gregory
- Moon Dialogs: Peaceful Moon
- SWF April 2021 Newsletter
- SWF Co-Organizes Third Sino-U.S. Commercial Space Workshop
- SWF Briefs Korean Officials on Space Situational Awareness Trends
- SWF Releases Updated Fact Sheets on Anti-Satellite Testing, Rendezvous and Proximity Operations, and the X-37B
- SWF Contributes to the 58th Session of the UNCOPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee
- SWF and CSIS Co-Host Counterspace Panels
- Insight - UN Resolution 75/36: How Changing the Question May Change the Results
- SWF Announces Space Sustainability Essay Contest
- SWF Thanks Nicole Nir for Years of Service to the Organization
- Accessible Moon Salon: International Coordination for Lunar Exploration - The Practitioners’ View
- SWF May 2021 Newsletter
- Executive Summary of the 2021 SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Now Available in French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese
- US-China Series: China, Space, and the 14th Five-Year Plan
- SWF Participates in Dialogue on Space Issues
- Insight - Reflecting on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at SWF
- PAUSED: SWF's Young Professional Travel Scholarship Competition
- SWF Discusses Space Sustainability Challenges with University of Cape Town Students
- Are We Losing The Sky to Large Satellite Constellations?
- The Future of NATO in Space
- SWF Participates in COPUOS Legal Subcommittee
- Registering Lunar Activities: Solutions to the Shortcomings of Current Law and Practice
- SWF Briefs House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence About Counterspace Threats
- SWF Moderates Panel on Using Satellite Servicing to Enable Responsible and Sustainable Space Activities
- SWF Welcomes New Advisory Committee Members
- FREE Hard Copies of Handbook for New Actors in Space Available to Educational Institutions
- SWF Co-Sponsors SG[Egypt]
- SWF Participates in Moon Village Young Professionals Event
- SWF Colorado Office Seeking Operations Associate
- Introducing The New Look for SWF
- SWF Hosts Panel on Space, Climate Change, and International Cooperation
- Krystal Azelton Awarded Bryce Harlow Fellowship
- Ian Christensen Dicusses Need for Space Traffic Managment at Bloomberg Radar 2021
- The Urgency to Act on Space Traffic Management
- SWF Guides Discussions on Right of Way, Multilateral Norms, and Building Trust and Transparency at 2021 AMOS Conference
- 2021 Outer Space Security Conference Highlighted in MIT Technology Review
- Peter Martinez Discusses International Space Cooperation at APSCO/ESA/CISL Space Law Workshop
- SWF Washington, DC Office Seeking Part-time Short-term Assistant
- SWF Staff Discuss Social Benefits of Large Constellations
- SWF October 2021 Newsletter
- SWF Co-Organizes Dialogue on Commercial Human Spaceflight with Caelus Foundation and Chinese Society of Astronautics
- Developing the Space Safety Institute
- Managing Cyber Security Risks of LEO Constellations
- SWF Co-Hosts Discussion on Space Security and the Middle East
- SWF Welcomes Operations Associate Bailey Geist
- SWF Releases a New Video on Space Sustainability
- SWF Statement on Russian ASAT Test
- U.S-Sino Space Commercialization Dialogue Active at 2021 Paris Peace Forum
- SWF Co-Sponsors Virtual Kalpana Chawla Dialogue
- SWF Seeking Counterspace Contractor
- SWF Statement on Russian ASAT Test Quoted on Mashable
- Handbook for New Actors in Space Now Available in Chinese and French
- Nuking the site from orbit? China's Hypersonic Weapons Test
- International Norms and Competition in Earth Orbit: Implications for German Industry
- NIAS-NAS Virtual Dialogue: Space Security Challenges
- 10 Years of the Wolf Amendment: Assessing Effects and Outcomes
- Insight - Review of 2021 and Preview of 2022
- SWF December 2021 Newsletter
- SWF Seeking Part-time Bookkeeper
- Save the Date: Summit for Space Sustainability 2022
- Dancing Lights in Space: How to Manage The Risks of Satellite Close Approaches in Geostationary Orbit
- Insight - A Golden Opportunity: Seizing the moment to stop destructive ASAT testing
- SWF Staff Contribute Virtually to the 59th Session of UNCOPUOS STSC
- SWF Seeks Part-time Bookkeeper
- SWF March 2022 Newsletter
- SWF Statements Delivered During 61st UNCOPUOS Legal Subcommittee
- Insight - Ukraine Highlights The Threat of Counterspace Capabilities In Future Conflicts
- SWF Scholarships for IAC 2022 are Available to Young Professionals
- SWF April 2022 Newsletter
- SWF Applauds US Policy to Commit not to Conduct Destructive ASAT tests, Urges Other States to Join
- SWF Fosters Discussions on Military Space Norms and Space Threats with Young Professionals
- Brian Weeden Discusses Space Traffic Management at UNSPACECOM Space Law Conference
- Tracking Global Counterspace Capabilities Event Recording Now Available
- SWF Participates in United Nations Disarmament Commission Working Group II
- Insight - Guarding Against Greenwashing in Space
- SWF May 2022 Newsletter
- SWF Statement Regarding Canada’s Commitment not to Conduct Kinetic ASAT Tests
- SWF Co-Sponsors Workshop on Preventing Collisions in Space
- Announcing Secure World Foundation 2022 Space Sustainability Fellowships -- application deadline July 1
- Announcing Summit for Space Sustainability Reception and Hybrid Features
- SWF Participates in UN Open-Ended Working Group
- SWF Releases 2022 Fact Sheets on Anti-Satellite Testing, Military and Intelligence RPOs, and the X-37B
- Insight - Preventing Collisions in Space
- SWF June 2022 Newsletter
- SWF Statements Delivered During 65th UNCOPUOS Plenary
- Insight - SWF and the UK Space Agency Hosted the 4th Summit for Space Sustainability
- SWF Highlights Role of Multilateral Institutions in Space Sustainability
- SWF Participates in Space Economy Conference in Milan
- Office of Space Commerce Director Richard DalBello Speaks at the Summit for Space Sustainability (SpaceNews)
- OneWeb Keynote at Summit for Space Sustainability Featured in SpaceNews
- X Prize Foundation CEO Anousheh Ansari Discusses Proposed ADR Competition During Summit for Space Sustainability (SpaceNews)
- SWF Counterspace Capabilities Report Cited in Air Force Magazine
- SWF July 2022 Newsletter
- SWF Young Professional Scholarship Recipients 2022 Announced
- SWF Speaks on New Value Creation and Space Sustainability at SPACETIDE Conference in Tokyo
- Victoria Samson Discusses Cyber Security in Space at 56th Otago Foreign Policy School Program
- Victoria Samson Speaks at Chatham House Workshop on Russia’s Space Policy
- Job Opportunity: Now Hiring PT Operations Associate (DC-Based)
- SWF is Seeking Applicants for Two Positions in our DC Office
- SWF August 2022 Newsletter
- SWF Releases Summary Report of First Regulator Dialogue on Approaches to Licensing of Large Constellations
- SWF SmallSat Side Event Featured in SpaceNews
- Space Sustainability Fellows Announced
- Insight - Satellite Servicing Standards and Policy: A Progress Report
- SWF Applauds Senators For Introducing the ORBITS Act
- Job Opportunity: Now Hiring Part-Time Operations Associate (DC-Based)
- Victoria Samson speaks to the UN on earth-to-space threats by States to space systems
- SWF September 2022 Newsletter
- SWF commends work of UN OEWG on space threats; applauds Japan and Germany for commitment not to conduct destructive anti-satellite tests
- Now Available: Advancing Space Security Through Norms, Rules, and Principles of Responsible Behavior (Report)
- Second Regulator to Regulator Dialogue on Approaches to Licensing of Large Constellations
- Ian Christensen Speaks at Wharton Aerospace Ventures 2022
- SWF Participates in 2022 SatSummit
- Insight - Telling the Story of Space Activity
- SWF Staff Contribute to 73rd International Astronautical Congress
- SWF October 2022 Newsletter
- SWF Leads Discussions on Verifying Future Space Agreements, Orbital Carrying Capacity, and Europe’s Approach to STM at 2022 AMOS Conference
- SWF Seeking Program Associate in our DC Office
- Brian Weeden discusses security and legal challenges with close approaches in space at the 2022 UN-L Space Law Conference
- Christopher Johnson Discusses Space Law and Space Mining at AILA International Law Weekend
- Victoria Samson Participates in Workshop on Commercial Sat Companies and Armed Conflicts
- Victoria Samson Gives a Presentation on Counterspace Trends
- Victoria Samson Participates in ORF’s CyFy Conference
- Ian Christensen Discusses Norms and Space Safety at AIAA ASCEND
- SWF Participates in 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance
- SWF Co-Hosts Event with Costa Rican Mission to the UN on How Space Benefits Life on Earth
- Insight - Improving Global Space Situational Awareness Capabilities More Critical Than Ever
- Dr. Peter Martinez Discusses Space Resources at the United Nations
- SWF November 2022 Newsletter
- SWF signs up to support “Net Zero Space” declaration
- Job Opportunity: Now Hiring Full-Time Director of Strategic Partnerships
- Job Opportunity: Now Hiring Full-Time Director of Communications
- SWF Actively Participates in 2022 Paris Peace Forum
- Krystal Azelton Moderates Panel at the Space Industries Workshop at APRSAF-28 in Hanoi, Vietnam
- Ian Christensen Speaks at GNOSIS Annual Conference 2022: "Space Sustainability for the Next Decade (and Beyond)"
- Ian Christensen Speaks on Large Constellations at Abu Dhabi Space Debate
- Insight - A retrospective look at 2022
- SWF Discusses the Past, Present, and Future of the Artemis Accords
- SWF December 2022 Newsletter
- SWF Seeking Contractor to Support our Counterspace Research in Q1 2023
- SWF Written Submission to Article VI Listening Session - Approaches for Authorization and Supervision
- SWF Participates in NOSA-ESPI Space Policy Symposium in Oslo, Norway
- SWF Contributes to 3rd Meeting of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Space Threats and Responsible Behaviors
- Insight - SWF’s Space Sustainability Research Initiative
- SWF February 2023 Newsletter
- Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities Releases The Recommended Framework and Key Elements for Peaceful and Sustainable Lunar Activities
- SWF's Ian Christensen Moderates Panel at 2023 ASCENDxTexas Conference
- Netherlands, Austria, and Italy add momentum to growing international commitment not to conduct direct-ascent anti-satellite missile tests
- US-Japan Commercial Space Roundtable Held in Tokyo
- SWF sponsored the North American Regional Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition
- Krystal Azelton participated in the two-day Bank of America Aerospace and Defense Forum
- SWF Moderates Panel at Satellite 2023 Addressing Space Security Risks for Commercial Satellite Systems
- SWF Moderates Panel at 2023 ASCENDxTexas Conference
- SWF participated in the Plenary Panel on Space Traffic Management at SpaceOps 2023
- SWF speaks at GeoBiz Summit 2023space sustainability and regulatory issues
- SWF attended the second week of UNCOPUOS LSC
- SWF attended the 8th IAA 2023 Planetary Defense Conference
- SWF hosted a Moon Dialogs Lunar Policy Handbook Event at COPUOS Legal Sub-Committee
- Insight - Sustainability of Lunar and Cislunar Space Activities
- SWF Addresses G20 Space Economy Leaders Meeting (SELM) Precursor Meeting in Shillong, India
- Brian Weeden Receives 2023 Doolittle Award from MIT Security Studies Program
- SWF Staff Contribute to Webinar on Legal and Policy Issues in the New Orbital Economy
- SWF's Victoria Samson speaks at the 18th Annual Military Space Situational Awareness Conference on counterspace issues
- Now Accepting Applications: Dr. Michael Simpson Scholarship Fund
- Dialogue on Perspectives on Lunar Commercialization: Value and Activities Held in Hefei, China
- Victoria Samson speaks at the Space for Island Nations Conference in the Maldives
- Insight - “Strengthening Space Governance” at the Summit for Space Sustainability
- SWF Contributes to Hearing on China's Approaches to International Law
- Space Sustainability and Threats to Geospatial Assets and Data
- SWF and CGD hosted "Within Our Orbit: The Promise of Space Capabilities in Global Economic Development"
- SWF's Executive Director Dr. Peter Martinez delivered a keynote at the 6th New Space Atlantic Summit in Lisbon
- SWF's Executive Director Dr. Peter Martinez spoke at the NewSpace Africa Conference Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire
- Chris Johnson spoke about the legal nature of space and space domains at the Preventing Space War event at ASU in Washington DC
- SWF Contributes to Discussions on Space Safety and STM at 12th IAASS Conference in Osaka
- Secure World Foundation honored to receive the Joseph P. Loftus Space Sustainability Award
- SWF and CSIS Host Joint Event on A Contested Space Domain
- SWF's Krystal Azelton moderated the “Communicating about Climate Change: Can the Space Industry Tell Our Story Better?” panel at the IAF Global Space Conference On Climate Change
- SWF's Chris Johnson spoke about Space Law and Conflict at ASU's Preventing Space War
- SWF April 2023 Newsletter
- Insight - “Reinforcing Space Sustainability through Corporate Performance” at the Summit for Space Sustainability
- SWF June 2023 Newsletter
- SWF Hosts Session on Sustainability and Security of Space Infrastructure in New Delhi
- Secure World Foundation's latest publication: the COPUOS Briefing Book
- SWF May 2023 Newsletter
- Secure World Foundation sponsored the 2023 Space Weather Enterprise Forum (SWEF)
- SWF's Krystal Azelton participated in "Ensuring Safe and Sustainable Access to Space: Managing an Increasingly Congested Orbital Environment"
- SWF's Krystal Azelton participated in the "Goldilocks Regulations for Space" New York Space Business Roundtable session
- SWF Participates in the 66th Session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
- Insight - SWF's Latest Publication: The COPUOS Briefing Book
- SWF July 2023 Newsletter
- SWF Releases 2023 Fact Sheets on Anti-Satellite Testing, Military and Intelligence RPOs, and the X-37B
- SWF's Krystal Azelton and Ian Christensen Participate in Annual SPACETIDE Conference
- 2023's Dr. Michael Simpson Scholarship Recipients Announced
- Insight - Launch of the Astra Carta Framework
- SWF August 2023 Newsletter
- SWF Participates in 2023 Small Satellite Conference, Highlighting Space Governance Issues for the Smallsat Operational Environment
- 2023 Space Sustainability Research Fellows
- SWF Issues RFP for Website Redesign
- Dr. Brian Weeden Participates in Panel Discussion on Space Security at the U.S. Naval War College
- Why Space Sustainability Matters in Space Policy and Regulations
- Announcing the Space Security Portal
- Insight - Through a New Lens - Max Alexander’s ‘Our Fragile Space’ Exhibit on Space Sustainability
- SWF Helps Develop New Model to Assess Policy Proposals for Space Sustainability
- SWF Staff Discuss Evolution of the Commercial Space Sector and Legal Implications from Military Applications
- SWF Leads Discussions on Commercial SSA Markets, U.S. Civil SSA Efforts, and Translating Best Practices to STM at 2023 AMOS Conference
- SWF Participates in the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia
- SWF's Krystal Azelton spoke at the Georgetown Law Summit on Emerging Technology Policy
- Insight - Takeaways from the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Reducing Space Threats
- Brian Weeden Discusses Options for a Future International Arrangement on Satellite Servicing at GSSF
- SWF's Ian Christensen Moderated Global Networking Forum Panel on Communicating Outcomes of Space Activities at 2023 International Astronautical Congress
- SWF Participates at International Astronautical Congress
- Event Recap: A Vibe Check on Space Security Diplomacy
- New Webinar on the Release of Industry Statement in Support of International Commitments to Not Conduct ASAT Tests
- Krystal Azelton Hosts Panel on Connection between Sustainability on Earth and in Space
- Brian Weeden Discusses the Future of Space Governance at Stimson Center
- SWF Releases Space Industry Statement in Support of International Commitments to Not Conduct Destructive ASAT Tests
- Brian Weeden Discusses China's Space Collaboration with Africa and Implications for U.S. Policy
- Brian Weeden Discusses Policy Priorities for Resilience at Seminar on U.S.-Norway Space Cooperation
- Brian Weeden Discusses Space Sustainability and Space Policy at the 2023 SEDS SpaceVision Conference
- SWF Actively Participates in 2023 Paris Peace Forum
- SWF Participates in Workshop Discussion of Relationship Between Large Constellations and Astronomy
- SWF October 2023 Newsletter
- SWF November 2023 Newsletter
- SWF and Several Korean Research Institutes Partner to Hold Workshop Focusing on Perspectives of Emerging Space Programs on Space Resources
- Brian Weeden Moderates Panel on Role of Allies and Commercial Partners in Fostering Resilience at GEOINT Community Forum
- Insight - Looking back at 2023 and forward to 2024
- SWF December 2023 Newsletter
- Dialogue on Navigating Shared Challenges in Deploying Large Constellations Held Between U.S. and Chinese Stakeholders
- New Signatories to A Space Industry Statement in Support of International Commitments to Not Conduct Destructive Anti-Satellite Testing
- Insight - Lunar Space Cooperation Initiatives
- SWF February 2024 Newsletter
- SWF Contributes to the 61st Session of the UN COPUOS STSC
- SWF & LeoLabs Lead Joint Statement on Debris Remediation in Low Earth Orbit
- SWF and LeoLabs Host Orbital Debris Remediation Summit in New Zealand
- SWF Participates in the Global Space and Technology Convention
- SWF Moderates Discussion on Impact of Emerging Commercial Space Capabilities for Space Security
- Insight - Catalyzing Remediation of Large Space Debris
- SWF Delivers Keynote at "Sustainability of Outer Space, Sustainable Development and the Pact for the Future" Side-Event
- Krystal Azelton spoke at Satellite 2024 on a panel hosted by the Hungarian Embassy and the Space Foundation
- SWF Contributes to the Policy Symposium on Future of Space Governance
- SWF March 2024 Newsletter
- Secure World Foundation Announces Dr. Brian Weeden's Transition to New Role at Aerospace
- SWF Work on Partnerships and New Entrant Nations in Space Resources Activities Presented at Space Resources Week Event
- Coming Soon: Dr. Michael Simpson Scholarship Fund
- Insight — SWF’s Rite of Spring: Global Counterspace Capabilities Report Released
- Leadership Evolution at Secure World Foundation
- Secure World Foundation Announces Scholarships for the 6th Summit for Space Sustainability.
- Now Accepting Applications: Dr. Michael Simpson Scholarship Fund 2024
- Insight — Join Us in Tokyo for a Key Policy Forum on Space Sustainability!
- SWF April 2024 Newsletter
- SWF May 2024 Newsletter
- International Translations of Executive Summaries of the Global Counterspace Capabilities Report.
- Announcing Secure World Foundation 2024 Space Sustainability Research Fellowships
- Insight — FAQ: What we know about Russia’s alleged nuclear anti-satellite weapon
- SWF Seeking a Project Manager, Space Environment
- SWF Speaks on Space Situational Awareness at 2024 International Space Summit in Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Insight – Doubling Down: Actions to Progress on Both Space Debris Mitigation and Remediation
- SWF June 2024 Newsletter
- Job Posting: SWF Colorado Office Seeking Communications Staff
- 2024's Dr. Michael Simpson Scholarship Recipients Announced
- SWF’s Ian Christensen Contributes to the 2024 COSPAR Assembly
- Career Openings at Secure World Foundation: Contribute to Space Sustainability and Security
- 2024 Space Sustainability Research Fellows
- SWF July 2024 Newsletter
- SWF August 2024 Newsletter
- SWF September 2024 Newsletter
- SWF Contributes to First ITU Space Sustainability Forum
- SWF contributes to the 2024 Space Futures and Governance Workshop
- SWF Seeking a Director of Development
- Secure World Foundation Signs Zero Debris Charter at IAC 2024
- Announcing the 2nd Edition of the Handbook for New Actors in Space
- SWF October 2024 Newsletter
- SWF Contributes to UN Space Bridge Discussion on Space Traffic Coordination
- SWF Publishes its 2023 Annual Report
- Secure World Foundation (SWF) and Agência Espacial Brasileira (AEB) Co-organize the 2024 International Workshop on Space Resources
- SWF Presents at the 30th Annual Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF)
- Insight – Celebrating 20 Years of Promoting Space Sustainability
- SWF November 2024 Newsletter
- SWF December 2024 Newsletter
- Secure World Foundation Launches ESG in Space: A Podcast Series in Partnership with Exponential Academy
- SWF Contributes to the 62nd Session of the UN COPUOS STSC
- Insight – Understanding Space Sustainability
- SWF and Exponential Academy Publish ESG in Space Podcast Episode 2: Exploring the Space Economy with Karen Jones
- SWF February 2025 Newsletter
- SWF and Exponential Academy Release ESG in Space Podcast Episode 3 Featuring Abhi Tripathi
- Secure World Foundation's Victoria Samson Discusses Space Security with Julie Yoo at GSTCE 2025
- SWF and OSTIn Co-Organize DIscussion of Space Traffic Coordination at the 2025 Global Space Technology Convention & Exhibition (GSTCE) in Singapore
- Announcing the 7th Summit for Space Sustainability, in Paris, France
- Insight – Space Sustainability and Policy: A Strategic Briefing for U.S. Leadership
- SWF March 2025 Newsletter
- Events
- Publications
- SWF Experts in the Media
- Newsletters
- Podcasts
- Newsletter Sign Up
- Insight Column
- All News
- About Us
- Who We Are
- Our Offices
- Our Board
- Our Advisory Committee
- Dr. William Ailor
- Maj. Gen James B. Armor
- Mr. Gérard Brachet
- Dr. Angie Bukley
- Ms. Ariane Cornell
- Mr. Richard DalBello
- Dr. Joan Johnson Freese
- Dr. John M. Logsdon
- Ms. Laura Delgado López
- Mr. Peter Marquez
- Dr. Tanja Masson-Zwaan
- Mr. Phil Meek
- Mr. Bruce McClintock
- Ms. Elina Morozova
- Dr. Art Morrissey
- Dr. Cherilynn Morrow
- Dr. Bruno Sánchez-Andrade Nuño
- Dr. Mazlan Othman
- Mr. William Parker
- Dr. Xavier Pasco
- Ms. Ruth Pritchard-Kelly
- Dr. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
- Dr. Stanley Riveles
- Maj. Gen Jay Santee
- Ms. Patti Grace Smith
- Ms. Marcia Smith
- Mr. Kazuto Suzuki
- Mr. Richard Treymane-Smith
- Dr. Beyza Unal
- Dr. Guoyu Wang
- Ambassador Ciro Arevalo Yepes
- Dr. Jessica West
- Ms. Audrey Schaffer
- Mr. Jim Bridenstine
- Mr. Niklas Hedman
- Our Team
- Staff Publications
- Staff Publication Archives
- Secure World Foundation Public Statements and Testimony
- Annual Report
- Our Focus
- Space Sustainability 101
- Why Care About Space Sustainability?
- The Persistent Problem of Orbital Debris
- Radio Frequency Interference
- Strategic Stability and Space
- International Governance of Space Activities
- International Initiatives to Ensure Space Sustainability
- Improving Space Situational Awareness
- The Global Nature of Space Activities
- Resource Library
- Global Counterspace Capabilities Report
- Handbook for New Actors
- COPUOS Briefing Book
- Lexicon for Outer Space Security
- Industry Statement in Support of International Commitments to Not Conduct ASAT Tests
- Multilateral Space Security Initiatives
- Lunar Space Cooperation Initiatives
- Human and Environmental Security
- National and International Space Security
- Space Sustainability Challenges
- Space Law and Policy
- Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Management
- SWF Sponsored Research
- Event Reports
- Commercial Space
- Multilateral Discussions on Space
- Fact Sheets
- Brochures and Booklets
- SWF Preprints
- Space Sustainability and Policy: A Strategic Briefing for U.S. Leadership
- Events
- Singapore Conference on On-Orbit Satellite Servicing and Active Debris Removal
- 2013 OOS and ADR Scenario Workshop
- The Brussels Space Policy Round Table - Space Opportunities and Challenges – A view from Poland, the Newest ESA Member State
- Why Does Space Matter to International and National Security?
- The Province of Mankind Providing Sustainable Benefits for All of Mankind –The Role of Industry
- Threats to U.S. Space Investments
- Symposium on Legal and Policy Aspects of Space Cooperation Between Europe and BRICS Countries; Inventory, Challenges and Opportunities
- UNIDIR Space Security Conference 2013
- Earth Observation Satellite Data-Sharing: Policies and Partnerships
- European Satellite Day 2013: Global Risks - Satellite Answers: Foresight in European Space Capabilities for Enhanced Global Stability
- International Space Reception
- IAC Young Professional Programme Event on Space Debris
- Satellite Servicing and Debris Removal: An Assessment of Prospects and Challenges
- Space Generation Congress 2012
- International Relations and Space: The European Approach
- 2012 Space Security Index Executive Summary Release
- Fostering Sustainable Satellite Servicing
- Workshop on Use of Space Applications in Humanitarian Operations
- Indo-US Track 1.5 Dialog on Space
- Frameworks & Strategy for Space Sustainability: Defining Sustainable Use of Space Workshop
- 5th United Nations International UN-SPIDER Bonn Workshop on Disaster Management and Space Technology: “Strengthening global synergies through knowledge management, portals and networks”
- Space for Human and Environmental Security in the Americas: Space policy, Long-term Sustainability and Cyber-health
- SWF Co-Sponsors ISU 16th Annual International Symposium:"Sustainability of Space Activities: International Issues and Potential Solutions"
- The Brussels Space Policy Round Table - The Future of GMES
- Asia in Space: Cooperation or Competition?
- 2012 OOS and ADR Scenario Workshop
- The Dragon’s New Eyes: China’s Space-Based Surveillance Capabilities, Doctrine, Strategy, and Implications
- TCBM's in Outer Space Activities: Looking Back and Moving Forward
- China's Space Capabilities
- Analyzing the Development Paths of Emerging Space Nations: Opportunities or Challenges for Space Sustainability?
- Secure World presents "Asian Space Policy and The United States"
- Improving Our Vision V
- Secure World Foundation- China Academy of Sciences International Workshop on Space Policies and Laws
- 2011 IAA Planetary Defense Conference
- SWF-UNIDIR Space Conference 2011: Building on the Past, Stepping Towards the Future
- Space Verification: Building Common Understanding
- India’s Military Space Efforts and Regional Security Considerations
- Space, Science, and Security: The Role of Regional Expert Discussions
- 2011 Space Security Index's Executive Summary Launch
- 2010 Beijing Orbital Debris Mitigation Workshop
- Space Security: Next Steps in TCBMs
- The Continuing Story of Europe and Space Security
- Workshop on Community Remote Sensing: Citizen Science and Social Networks
- Improving Our Vision IV
- First IISL-IAA Symposium: Space Law and Policy 2010
- 2010 Space Deterrence Workshop
- Elements for a Space Public Policy in Colombia
- Enhancing Space Security: Expert Recommendations
- National Space Strategy Workshop
- Space Security Index 2009: The Status of and Future Trends in Space Security
- Building Upon Regional Space-based Solutions for Disaster Management and Emergency Response for Africa
- NORAD Lessons for SSA Workshop
- Assessing the Current Dynamics of Space Security
- Improving Our Vision III
- 2009 Space Deterrence Workshop
- International Meeting on Food Security, Earth Observations and Agricultural Monitoring
- SWF & Space Foundation Event - Defense & Industry on Space Cooperation
- Brussels Forum - Dinner Discussion on Space and Stability
- SWF Co-Sponsors Events at the 29th National Space Symposium
- Brussels Space Policy Round Table: Cooperation vs. Competition in Space Activities
- UN-SPIDER Bonn Expert Meeting on the Use of Space-Based Information for Early Warning Systems
- Near-Earth Objects: Addressing the Current Threat Level
- Space Generation Congress 2013
- "Gravity" in Real Life: Legal and Political Implications of an Accident in Space
- Trash in the Skies: The Challenge of Space Debris
- Brussels Space Policy Round Table: International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities - the International Perspective
- SWF-UNIDIR Space Security Conference 2012
- International Perspectives on Space Sustainability from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- The Brussels Space Policy Round Table - The Ups and Downs of Euro-China Space Cooperation
- European Satellite Day 2012: Mayday! A day without satellites
- The future of space security: framing the development of TCBMs in parallel multilateral fora
- European Conference on On-Orbit Satellite Servicing and Active Debris Removal: Exploring Commercial, Legal, and Policy Implications
- 2012 Beijing Space Sustainability Conference
- United Nations International Expert Meeting on Crowdsource Mapping for Disaster Risk Management and Emergency Response
- Brussels Space Policy Round Table: Race to the Moon and Back - Policy Perspectives 50 Years After the JFK's 1962 Moons Speech
- Space Policy Challenges Facing the Second Obama Administration
- 2009 ISU Space and Security Theme Day
- 2010 UNIDIR Space Security Conference: From Foundations to Negotiations
- 2010 ISU Space and Security Theme Day
- National Space Strategy Luncheon
- First Year of the Obama National Space Policy
- UNSPIDER/SWF/Austria Crowdsource Mapping for Preparedness and Emergency Response
- Workshop on International Recommendations for NEO Threat Mitigation
- European Space Governance: the Outlook
- 2011 Space Generation Congress
- 21st UN/IAF Workshop on “Space for Human and Environmental Security”
- Assuring the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities
- Implications of Emerging Space Cooperation Dynamics in Asia
- 2011 Beijing Space Sustainability Conference
- Secure World presents “Russia’s Space Plans”
- Brussels Space Policy Round Table - 2011 Space Security Index Launch in Europe
- UN-SPIDER International Expert Meeting-Crowdsource Mapping for Preparedness and Emergency Response
- The Brussels Space Policy Round Table - Galileo: Current Status and Future Opportunities
- Near Earth Objects: Media/Risk Communications Working Group
- United Nations/Belarus Workshop on Space Technology Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits
- Disaster Mitigation and Earth Observations: A GEOSS Perspective
- United Nations/Chile Workshop on Space Technology Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits
- Brussels Space Policy Round Table - 2012 Space Security Index Launch in Europe
- 2013 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- NEO Mission Planning and Operations Group Workshop
- NEO Information Analysis and Warning Network Workshop
- 2014 UNIDIR Space Security Conference: Implementation and Compliance
- Radio Frequency Interference and Space Sustainability
- SWF Co-sponsors the Manfred Lachs International Conference on Global Space Governance
- Radiofrequency Interference Breakfast Salon
- Small Satellites: Benefits and Risks
- Beyond Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: The Evolving Role of Satellites in Aviation Safety
- Workshop on the Use of Open-Source Software and Satellite Data in the Prevention of, and Response to, Disasters in Mesoamerica
- Emerging Space Economies
- Monitoring the High Seas: The Increasing Role of Space in Maritime Domain Awareness
- 2014 AMOS Dialogue in Tokyo
- 2014 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Webinar: The Role of Satellites in Disaster Management
- The Cross-cutting Nature of Space Security
- Asteroid Impact Risk Communication Workshop
- Beyond the Flare: An SWF-AAS Briefing on Space Weather
- Export Controls of Space Systems: A Conversation Between The United States and Japan
- Seeing Into Space: Perspectives and Initiatives for Enhancing Space Situational Awareness
- Orbital Slots and Spectrum Use in an Era of Interference
- SWF Sponsors Space Generation Congress Working Group
- U.S.-China Workshop on Bilateral Earth Observation Data Sharing
- Space and the Arctic: Why Space Capabilities Are Important for Sustainable Arctic Development
- Roundtable on Global Trends in Commercial and Civil Space
- Connecting Space with International Security and Stability
- International Law and Military Activities in Space
- Challenges In Sharing Weather Satellite Spectrum With Terrestrial Networks
- Higher Resolution SRTM Data & Flood Modelling Workshop: South Africa
- From Response to Resilience: Space and Disaster Risk Management
- Regional Workshop on the Long-Term Sustainability of Space Activities
- Handbook For New Actors Overview Workshop
- Higher Resolution SRTM Data & Flood Modelling Workshop: Mexico
- UNIDIR Space Security Conference 2015: The Principles of Self Defense in Space: National Perspectives and Critical Issues
- Disaster Risk Management Panel
- Space Security 2015: Underpinning Foundations of Space Security
- Scenario Workshop on Exploring Self-Defense in Space
- Commercial Space Stations in LEO: Preparing for the Future
- 2015 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Security through Safety: Linkages between Space Security and International Initiatives for Space Sustainability at the United Nations
- Broadcasting GEOSS: Key Issues in Spectrum Management and Earth Observations
- SWF Sponsors Space Generation Congress Working Group - 2015
- Victoria Samson will be speaking at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Ian Christensen will be speaking at the Canadian Space Summit
- SWF Co-Hosts Webinar on Radio Frequency Interference
- Space Weather as a Global Challenge
- 2nd ORF Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- Brian Weeden and Laura Delgado López will be attending COPUOS STSC in Vienna, Austria
- 2016 UNIDIR Space Security Conference: Sustaining the Momentum - The Current Status of Space Security
- Victoria Samson will be speaking at "Risks in International Society and New Dimension of Security" in Tokyo, Japan
- Michael Simpson will be attending the International Space University's Southern Hemisphere Space Program
- Michael Simpson and Ian Christensen will be attending the IAF Spring Meetings in Paris, France
- Laura Delgado López will be attending the CEOS WGCapD annual meeting in Hampton, Virginia
- Christopher Johnson will be attending the ECSL Practitioners Forum at ESA in Paris, France
- Space Security: Norms, Resiliency, and Protection
- Laura Delgado López will be speaking at the GeoBuiz Summit in Maryland, USA
- Mini Symposium on Legal Aspects of Space Resource Utilization
- Americas Roundtable
- Handbook for New Actors Review Workshop
- Space-based Weather Capabilities in the Arctic
- Spectrum Protection: An Examination of the Policy and Practical Implications
- Asteroids, Mining, and Policy: Practical Consideration of Space Resource Rights
- Challenges and Opportunities Facing New Space Actors
- Victoria Samson will be speaking at the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL) at the University of Pennsylvania Law School about their project, "Space and the Future of Armed Conflict."
- SWF Co-Sponsors Space Generation Fusion Forum
- Chris Johnson will discuss the legal and political aspects of active debris removal and on-orbit servicing at the American Bar Association’s Forum on Air & Space Law 2016 Space Law Symposium, at Dentons in Washington DC.
- Victoria Samson will be speaking at UPenn's Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL)
- Emerging Space Industry Leaders Workshop on Space Traffic Management
- An Examination of the U.S. National Security Space Strategy
- Discussion on Space and Cyber Security
- Brian Weeden will be chairing a session at the 4th International Workshop on Space Debris Modelling and Remediation in Paris, France
- Laura Delgado López will be attending GEOINT 2016 in Orlando, FL
- Michael Simpson and Laura Delgado López will be participating in the International Space Development Conference in San Juan, PR
- Advancing the Trilateral Europe-U.S.-Japan Space Security Partnership
- Ian Christensen will be attending the Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference in Broomfield, Colorado
- Ian Christensen will be presenting at the Space Resources Roundtable and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium in Golden, CO
- Ian Christensen will be attending the NewSpace 2016 conference in Seattle, WA
- Brian Weeden will be briefing the Canadian Department of National Defence Executive Panel in Ottawa on space security challenges
- Small Satellite Operator Best Practices for SSA and Conjunction Assessment
- 2016 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Ian Christensen and Brian Weeden will attend the Small Satellite Conference in Logan, UT.
- What's in a Name? Interaction and Evolution in the Geospatial, Space, and Earth Observation Communities
- Ian Christensen will attend the Space Technology and Investment Forum in San Francisco.
- Brian Weeden will attend the LLNL Symposium on Space and the Third Offset in Livermore, CA
- Digital Elevation Model Development Workshop in Nepal
- Latin American Regional Satellite Data Requirements Coordination Meeting
- Chris Johnson will be speaking at the 10th United Nations Workshop on Space Law, at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria.
- Chris Johnson will be speaking at the International Bar Association's Space Law Committee panel in Washington D.C.
- SWF Staff Michael Simpson, Lisa Croy, Victoria Samson, Brian Weeden, Chris Johnson, Ian Christensen, Krystal Wilson, and Nicole Nir will be attending and participating in the 67th International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico.
- Michael Simpson, Brian Weeden, and Ian Christensen will participate in the AIAA Space Commercialization Executive Summit and the AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition 2016 in Long Beach, CA.
- Roundtable on Value Creation in Commercial Space
- Victoria Samson will be speaking at the publication launch of "Crisis Stability in Space" at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington D.C.
- Michael Simpson will be speaking about the Next Space Age at the Rotary in Boulder.
- Progress and Planning Ahead: International Best Practices for Outer Space Sustainability
- Tabletop Exercise on Space Crisis Dynamics and Uncertainty
- Ian Christensen and Mike Simpson will participate in the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight in Las Cruces, NM.
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 14th Reinventing Space Conference in London, United Kingdom
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2016 World Space Risk Forum in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Mike Simpson and Ian Christensen will participate in a meeting of The Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group in Leiden, Netherlands.
- Ian Christensen will participate in the 23rd Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-23) in Manila, Philippines.
- Brian Weeden is Speaking at the Gulf Cooperation Council's Electronic Warfare Conference 2016 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Krystal Wilson will attend the Group on Earth Observation XIII Plenary in St. Petersburg, Russia
- Victoria Samson will speak at the USGIF Small Satellite Workshop
- Victoria Samson and Brian Weeden will be participating in the University of Maryland's Center for Orbital Debris Education and Research's 2016 workshop
- Brian Weeden will be participating in the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- UN High Level Forum: Space as a Driver for Socio-Economic Sustainable Development
- Krystal Wilson will be attending the 3rd Annual Space Traffic Management Conference “Emerging Dynamics” in Daytona Beach, Florida
- Brian Weeden will present at Defense One's Space & Satellite Communications Morning Briefing
- Chris Johnson will speak at the 11th Annual Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues of Space Law
- 2016 Colorado Space Round-up
- Victoria Samson will be participating in a panel discussion at The 2nd EU-US Space Policy Conference
- Victoria Samson will be participating in a panel discussion at the Washington Space Business Roundtable
- Michael Simpson and Ian Christensen will speak at the 2016 Eisenhower Center Space Forum at the U.S. Air Force Academy
- Brian Weeden will be speaking at an event in Beijing, China, on U.S.-China strategic relations in space
- Brian Weeden and Krystal Wilson will be attending the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS in Vienna, Austria
- 3rd ORF Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- Governing Space Activity in the 21st Century
- The United States, China, and Space Security: Issues for the Trump Administration
- Ian Christensen will be speaking at the 12th Ilan Ramon International Space Conference in Herzlia, Israel
- Global Space & Technology Convention 2017
- Brian Weeden Will Be Speaking at a Workshop on International Law and Military Space Operations at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island
- Brian Weeden Will Be Participating in the MILAMOS Workshop in Adelaide, Australia
- Chris Johnson and Michael Simpson will be participating in the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program in Adelaide, Australia. Dr. Simpson will attend from January 14-23. Mr. Johnson will attend from January 27-February 8.
- Michael Simpson will moderate the panel on “Enabling Space-Faring Nations to Work Together as a Team” during the Global Space Congress in Abu Dhabi
- Krystal Wilson will be speaking at the Geospatial World Forum in Hyderabad, India
- 50th Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty Luncheon Event
- Victoria Samson and Brian Weeden will be speaking on a panel at the 2017 Space Security Conference co-hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Prague Security Studies Institute
- Ian Christensen will attend the Commercial Smallsat Spectrum Management Association Meeting in Menlo Park, CA
- Brian Weeden Will be Speaking at a Workshop on International Law and Military Space Operations in Newport, RI
- New Actors in the Space Domain
- Chris Johnson will lecture on space law and policy at Leiden University's International Institute of Air and Space Law
- Chris Johnson will lecture on private actors in space at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy's course 'the Future of Outer Space Security'
- Mike Simpson, Ian Christensen and Chris Johnson will participate in the Spring Meetings of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
- Chris Johnson and Ian Christensen will attend the 56th Session of the Legal Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS
- Mike Simpson and Ian Christensen will participate in a meeting of The Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group in Leiden, Netherlands
- Space Generation Fusion Forum 2017
- Workshop on Principles for Safe and Responsible Active Debris Removal
- Ian Christensen will speak at the Small Satellites Tech, Business & Regulatory Industry Workshop at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) of the European Space Agency in Noordwijk, Netherlands
- Krystal Wilson will be speaking at the C-SIGMA Workshop VII "Collaboration in Space for International Global Maritime Awareness" in Lisbon, Portugal
- The Outer Space Treaty & Colorado Space Business
- 2017 UNIDIR Space Security Conference - The Outer Space Treaty's 50th Anniversary: Reviewing the Regime
- Brian Weeden will speak at the Universities Space Research Association and Space Policy Institute Symposium on Space Situational Awareness in Washington, DC
- Krystal Wilson will attend the Fifth Manfred Lachs International Conference on Global Space Governance and the UN 2030 Agenda in Montreal, Canada
- Krystal Wilson will attend the 2017 NOAA Space Weather Workshop
- Michael Simpson, Victoria Samson, Brian Weeden, Ian Christensen, and Krystal Wilson will attend the 33rd Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, CO
- Space Weather Enterprise Forum
- Ian Christensen will moderate a panel session at the Space 2.0 conference in Silicon Valley, CA
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2017 Space Resources Roundtable which will be held as part of the 2017 Canadian Institute of Mining Convention in Montreal, Quebec
- Brian Weeden will participate in the 2017 Space Security Index Working Group in Montreal, Canada
- Brian Weeden will participate in the MILAMOS II Workshop in New Delhi, India
- 2017 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Space Weather as a Global Challenge 2017
- Chris Johnson will speak at the American Bar Association’s Forum on Air and Space Law’s Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada
- Chris Johnson will moderate a panel on international space law at the American Bar Association Forum on Air and Space Law's 2017 Space Law Symposium in Washington, DC
- Michael Simpson will teach at ISU’s Space Studies Program in Ireland and lead workshop on living with disruptive technology
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2017 NewSpace Conference in San Francisco, CA
- Michael Simpson and Victoria Samson will attend the 60th session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria
- Brian Weeden will speak at the 19th Annual Small Payload Rideshare Symposium in Laurel, MD
- Cubesat Launch and Deployment Best Practices Side Event
- Brian Weeden and Ian Christensen will be attending the 2017 SmallSat Conference in Logan, UT
- Chris Johnson will participate in the Hague Academy of International Law’s 2017 Centre for Studies and Research ‘50 Years of Space Law - Space Law in 50 Years’ in the Hague, Netherlands
- Dialogue on Practices for Post Mission Disposal
- 2017 NOAA Satellite Conference
- Trash in the Skies II: Industry Perspectives on Dealing with Space Debris
- 2017 Roundtable on Value and Benefit Creation in Commercial Space
- Michael Simpson will participate in the Brooke Owens Fellowship Conference in Washington, DC
- Victoria Samson will speak at the Univ. of Pennsylvania's Center for Ethics and Rule of Law's Summer Internship Seminar on Space Security
- Brian Weeden will be speaking at "A New Space Race" conference organized by The Economist in Seattle, Washington
- Michael Simpson, Ian Christensen, and Chris Johnson will participate in a meeting of the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group in Leiden, Netherlands
- Ian Christensen, Chris Johnson, Victoria Samson, Michael Simpson, and Krystal Wilson will present at the 2017 International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia
- 16th Space Generation Congress
- Ian Christensen will moderate a panel session at the 2017 International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight (ISPCS) in Las Cruces, New Mexico
- The Role of Citizen Observatories and Crowdsourcing Community in GEOSS
- Victoria Samson to speak at space security event at the UN headquarters in New York, New York
- Victoria Samson to serve as moderator for the Big Data, Big Space, Big Risk panel addressing cyber security threats at the Space Tech Expo in Bremen, Germany
- Brian Weeden will be participating in the third MILAMOS Project Workshop in Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Brian Weeden will be participating in the World Economic Forum's 2017 Meeting of the Global Future Councils in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Krytal Wilson will moderate A Dialogue on Public Private Partnerships in U.S. Earth Observations in association with the Group on Earth Observations in Washington, DC
- Chris Johnson, Michael Simpson, and Krystal Wilson will attend the United Nations/United Arab Emirates High Level Forum: Space as a Driver for Socio-Economic Sustainable Development in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Brian Weeden will moderate a panel on SSA at the 6th Annual Space and Satellite Regulatory Colloquium in Washington, DC
- Trash in the Skies III: Prospects for Active Removal of Space Debris
- Ian Christensen and Krystal Wilson will speak at the 24th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum in Bengaluru, India
- Chris Johnson will serve as Co-Chair of the Moon Village Association Participation Mechanism Working Group and will attend the upcoming Moon Village Foundation Workshop in Strasbourg, France
- Michael Simpson will attend the New Space: Europe Conference in Luxembourg to update attendees on the work of the Space Resources Governance Working Group
- Michael Simpson will attend the Moon Village Association Founding Workshop to update attendees on the work of the Space Resources Governance Working Group at the International Space University Central Campus in Strasbourg
- Opportunities and Challenges of Citizen Science for Earth Observation
- 2017 Colorado Space Round-up
- Chris Johnson will moderate a panel on norms and rules for new space activities at the 12th annual Eilene M. Galloway Symposium
- Brian Weeden will speak on an American Bar Association webinar panel discussing legal aspects of conflict in outer space
- Michael Simpson and Ian Christensen will participate in the AIAA Space Commercialization Executive Summit and AIAA SciTech Forum in Kissimmee, Florida
- Ian Christensen will speak at the SATEXPO Conference and the GVF Satellite Summit, both part of CABSAT 2018, in Dubai, UAE
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2018 Global Space and Technology Convention in Singapore
- Brian Weeden will speak at the 2nd Symposium on Space and Deterrence organized by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California
- Brian Weeden and Krystal Wilson will attend the 55th session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in Vienna, Austria
- Insurance and Responsible Behavior in Space
- Cynda Collins Arsenault and Victoria Samson will speak at International Women's Day in Denver, Colorado
- Space and Cyber Seminar
- 4th ORF Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- Victoria Samson will present a paper on the future of SSA at the 2018 Embry-Riddle Space Traffic Management Conference
- Krystal Wilson will present at the USGIF Small Satellite Workshop in Springfield, Virginia
- Krystal Wilson will participate in the 8th GEO Programme Board meeting in Geneva, Switzerland
- Michael Simpson will provide the opening address at the Canadian Space Commerce Association (CSCA) SmallSat Symposium
- Michael Simpson, Ian Christensen, and Krystal Wilson will participate in the International Astronautical Federation planning meetings in Paris, France
- Michael Simpson and Chris Johnson will be serving as experts at the 2018 International Space University Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program in Adelaide, Australia
- Chris Johnson will serve on a panel at the upcoming International Space Exploration Forum (ISEF2) side event “Strategies for the Moon Base & Space Natural Resources” at the University of Tokyo
- Michael Simpson will participate in the Moon Village Association Advisory Committee meetings in Paris, France
- Michael Simpson will attend the space resources study team meeting of the International Academy of Astronautics in Paris, France
- 2018 UNIDIR Space Security Conference
- Victoria Samson will speak at "Tomorrow's Battlefield: Emerging Areas of Military Competition" at the Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy in Newport, Rhode Island
- The Weaponization of Outer Space: Ethical and Legal Boundaries
- Krystal Wilson will give a keynote presentation at the 7th Digital Earth Summit in El Jadida, Morocco
- Chris Johnson and Ian Christensen will attend the COPUOS Legal Subcommittee at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria
- Brian Weeden will speak on a panel entitled “Finding a Pathway to On-Orbit Servicing” during SATELLITE 2018 in Washington, DC. Tiffany Chow will also be in attendance.
- Brian Weeden will speak on a panel on on-orbit satellite servicing at the Space and Satellite Professionals International evening event in Washington, DC.
- Brian Weeden will give a presentation on norms of behavior for space at the Military Space Situational Awareness Conference 2018 in London, UK
- Brian Weeden will give a talk on the future of satellite servicing at SGx 2018 in Washington, DC.
- The Commercial Sector and Norms for Responsible Use of Space
- Space Generation Fusion Forum 2018
- Brian Weeden will speak at a DefenseOne panel discussion on the future of military satellite communications.
- Victoria Samson will be speaking on a panel on International Cooperation for Space Situational Awareness
- Ian Christensen will speak during a panel session at the Space 2.0 conference in San Jose, CA
- Ian Christensen will speak at the “Workshop Latino-Americano sobre Governança Global de Recursos Espaciais” at the Catholic University of Santos, in Santos, Brazil
- Krystal Wilson will speak at SGAC: Through the Generations event at the headquarters of the European Space Agency in Paris, France
- Implications of Space Station Privatization: Policy and Planning Ahead
- Michael Simpson and Ian Christensen will attend the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group in Leiden, the Netherlands
- Brian Weeden and Ian Christensen will be participating in the first CONFERS satellite servicing standards development workshop in Marina del Rey, CA
- Space Situational Awareness: Strategic Challenges for India
- Krystal Wilson will present at the 15th Annual CubeSat Developers Workshop at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA
- Chris Johnson will serve as the 2018 ISU Space Studies Program Department Chair in Space Policy, Economics, and Law in Holland, the Netherlands
- Brian Weeden will participate in the first workshop for the Woomera Manual on International Law and Military Space Operations in Exeter, UK
- Brian Weeden will participate in the U.S.-Vietnam Space Bilateral Dialogue in Hanoi, Vietnam
- Krystal Wilson will speak at the GLAC 2018 SGAC/IAF "3G" IDEA Networking Lunch and at a plenary session panel titled "Democratizing Space Data" at the Global Space Applications Conference in Montevideo, Uruguay
- U.S. - India Space Cooperation Roundtable
- Krystal Wilson will moderate a session on "Legal and Policy Challenges of Space Applications" at the SGAC-IAF Seminar: Space Applications held in conjunction with the Global Space Applications Conference in Montevideo, Uruguay
- Ian Christensen will speak at a conference on "The New Space Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for the European Space Industry" at the SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan, Italy
- Ian Christensen will speak at the NewSpace 2018 conference in Seattle, Washington
- Michael Simpson will attend the European Space Forum in Luxembourg
- Chris Johnson will serve as an expert and panelist at the 2018 Space Security Index Working Group in Montreal, Canada
- Chris Johnson will serve on a panel discussing regulation of lunar activities at the American Bar Association Forum on Air and Space Law 2018 Space Law Symposium in Washington, DC
- Chris Johnson and Victoria Samson will present and moderate panels at UNIDIR's 2018 Space Security Conference, "Space Security: The Next Chapter" in Geneva, Switzerland
- The Value and Utilization of Earth Observation Data
- Tiffany Chow will speak at the Global Aerospace Summit in Abu Dhabi
- Krystal Wilson will participate in the 2018 GEO Symposium, the 2018 GEO Climate Workshop: Earth Observation for the Paris Agreement, and GEO Work Programme Symposium in Geneva, Switzerland
- Chris Johnson will speak at the Dawn of Private Space Science Symposium at Columbia University in New York City
- Cynda Collins Arsenault will speak on a panel entitled "Space for Women" at UNISPACE+50
- Assessing Threats to Space Systems
- Space Traffic Management and Enabling Sustainable Commercial Development of Space
- Chris Johnson will participate at MILAMOS Workshop IV in Montreal, Canada
- Cynda Collins Arsenault, Michael Simpson, Victoria Samson, Brian Weeden, Chris Johnson, Ian Christensen, and Krystal Wilson will attend UNISPACE+50 in Vienna, Austria
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2018 ISPCS Conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico
- Ian Christensen will serve as a guest lecturer at the International Space University, Space Studies Program in Delft, Netherlands
- Space Weather Enterprise Forum 2018
- Brian Weeden will keynote the U.S. Strategic Command Advanced Operational Law Conference 2018 in Omaha, Nebraska
- Chris Johnson will serve as an expert speaker at an international workshop for the prevention of an arms race in outer space, in Beijing, China
- CONFERS Open Information Session at SmallSat Conference
- 2018 Roundtable on Value and Benefit Creation in Commercial Space
- Josh Wolny will serve as a guest lecturer at the International Space University, Space Studies Program in Delft, Netherlands
- Chris Johnson will participate in the First United Nations Conference on Space Law and Policy in Moscow, Russia
- Victoria Samson will serve as a mentor at the SGAC EMER-GEN workshop in Maui, Hawaii
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion at the Brookings Institution on the pros and cons of creating a Space Force in Washington, DC
- Krystal Wilson will speak on a panel focused on “availability and accessibility of geospatial information” at the Legal and Policy Frameworks for Geospatial Information Management side event before the Eighth Session of the UN-GGIM in New York, NY
- Victoria Samson will speak at the 12th ESPI Autumn Conference: “Security in Outer Space: Rising Stakes for Civilian Space Programmes" in Vienna, Austria
- It's Not Just Rocket Science: Careers in Space Policy
- Brian Weeden and Victoria Samson will participate in the 2018 Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference in Maui, Hawaii.
- 2018 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Space Weather as a Global Challenge 2018
- Victoria Samson will speak at the Over the Horizon: A New Era for Canada-U.S. Space Cooperation Event in Washington, DC
- Victoria Samson will speak at the 9th Annual Billington CyberSecurity Summit Event in Washington, DC
- Ian Christensen, Tiffany Chow, Chris Johnson, Victoria Samson, Michael Simpson, Brian Weeden, Krystal Wilson, and Josh Wolny will participate in the 2018 International Astronautical Congress in Bremen, Germany
- Chris Johnson will speak on US space policy objectives and development at the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) 2018 Summer School in Helsinki, Finland
- Krystal Wilson will speak at the FOSS4G 2018 conference in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
- Global Satellite Servicing Forum
- 9th Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users' Conference
- 17th Space Generation Congress
- How Should Space Technologies and Data Support Local Communities?
- SatSummit 2018
- Brian Weeden will speak on a panel at the 11th Annual University of Nebraska Washington, D.C. Space Law Conference
- Tiffany Chow will attend the Paris Peace Forum in Paris, France
- Chris Johnson will participate in the fifth MILAMOS Workshop in Beijing, China
- Chris Johnson will speak on a panel at the 2018 Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agencies Forum in Singapore
- Brian Weeden will participate in the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils 2018 in Dubai.
- Brian Weeden will participate in a debate about the Space Force at Politicon in Los Angeles, CA
- Victoria Samson will participate in a panel discussion on the United States' role in space situational awareness at CSIS
- Chris Johnson will participate in a panel discussion at the 7th Annual Space and Satellite Colloquium in Washington, DC
- Krystal Wilson will speak at the 12th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing and the Environment in Alexandria, Egypt
- GEO Week 2018
- Krystal Wilson will speak at Cybersat18 in Arlington, VA
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion about military space activities at the American Bar Association's 28th Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law Conference in Washington, DC
- 2018 CODER Workshop
- IFRI Space Security Conference
- Peter Martinez will speak at the 7th African Leadership Conference on Space Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in Abuja, Nigeria
- Peter Martinez will participate in a panel event "Security Beyond Earth" and participate in the launch of the Space Security Index 2018 in New York, NY
- Michael Simpson will attend the UN High Level Forum in Bonn, Germany
- Michael Simpson and Ian Christensen will participate in the NewSpace Europe Conference in Luxembourg
- Ian Christensen, Michael Simpson, and Chris Johnson will participate in the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group in Luxembourg
- Brian Weeden will participate in a DefenseDaily panel discussion on the Space Force in Washington, DC
- Victoria Samson will participate in a space policy panel at the World Affairs Councils of America "Braving the New World Order" Conference in Washington, DC
- Peter Martinez will speak at the 2018 CODER Conference in College Park, MD
- Peter Martinez will speak on a panel at the UN High Level Forum in Bonn, Germany
- Krystal Wilson will participate in the United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress in Deqing, China
- Victoria Samson will speak on "Disruptions to Space Security and Stability" at the Prague Security Studies Institute conference held at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
- The Future of Space Safety
- 13th Annual Eilene M. Galloway Memorial Symposium on International Space Law
- Victoria Samson will participate in a track 2 discussion on space security in Moscow, Russia
- Space Situational Awareness Workshop: Perspectives on the Future Directions for Korea
- Krystal Wilson will speak at the Data.Space2019 in Glasgow, Scotland
- Josh Wolny will attend the American Meteorological Society’s 99th Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ
- Chris Johnson will participate in the MILAMOS Workshop VI in Berlin, Germany
- Peter Martinez will speak on a civil society panel, and Victoria Samson and Josh Wolny will attend the meeting on the prevention of an arms race in outer space, organized by the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs in New York City, NY
- Chris Johnson will serve as Team Project Chair at the 2019 International Space University 2019 Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program in Mawson Lakes, Adelaide, Australia
- Brian Weeden will speak on U.S. policy on space security and the Space Force at the Symposium 2019: Future of Space Security in Tokyo, Japan
- Peter Martinez and Brian Weeden will attend the 56th session on the UNCOPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee in Vienna, Austria
- Brian Weeden will participate in the second Woomera Manual plenary meeting in Lincoln, NE
- Brian Weeden and Ian Christensen will participate in a CONFERS workshop on satellite servicing standards in Colorado Springs, CO
- Brian Weeden and Ian Christensen will participate in a CONFERS workshop on satellite servicing standards in Washington, DC
- Brian Weeden and Ian Christensen will participate in a CONFERS workshop on satellite servicing standards in London, United Kingdom
- Krystal Wilson will participate in the 12th GEO Programme Board meeting in Geneva, Switzerland
- Mining the Moon for Profit: A Case Study in Space Resource Utilization
- 5th ORF Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- UNIDIR Space Security Conference: Supporting Diplomacy: Clearing the Path for Dialogue
- 5th PSSI Space Security Conference, “Evolution of the Counterspace Threat and Strengthening of International Space Partnerships”
- Implementation of the Guidelines for the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities
- Peter Martinez will present at the International Symposium on Ensuring Stable Use of Outer Space in Tokyo, Japan and Tiffany Chow will be in attendance
- Ian Christensen will speak at the United Nations / Jordan Workshop: Global Partnership in Space Exploration and Innovation in Amman, Jordan
- Ian Christensen and Chris Johnson will participate in a meeting of the Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group in Leiden, Netherlands
- Workshop on SocioEconomic Benefits of Space Resources Utilization - African Perspectives
- Krystal Wilson will participate in the 13th GEO Programme Board meeting in Geneva, Switzerland
- Krystal Wilson spoke at the Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam, Netherlands
- What Should the U.S. Do About Space Threats?
- British Innovation and Sustainability in Space
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2019 Ivy Space Coalition Conference at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, PA
- IISL Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court: North American Round
- Summit for Space Sustainability
- US-China Engagement in Space
- Victoria Samson will participate in the Global Space Congress in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and Tiffany Chow will attend
- Krystal Wilson will moderate a panel at the Global Conference on Space for Emerging Countries in Marrakech, Morocco
- Space Generation Fusion Forum 2019
- Sino-US Space Commercialization Workshop
- Peter Martinez will attend the IAF Spring Meetings in Paris, France
- Chris Johnson will serve as a lecturer at the 2019 ISU Space Studies Program in Strasbourg, France
- Peter Martinez will speak at, and Josh Wolny will participate in the 2019 Space Weather Workshop in Boulder, Colorado
- Peter Martinez, Brian Weeden, and Josh Wolny will lead a working group at the 2019 Space Generation Fusion Forum in Colorado Springs, CO
- Chris Johnson will represent SWF at the COPUOS Legal Subcommittee in Vienna, Austria
- Peter Martinez will visit Baylor University in Waco, TX
- Krystal Wilson will give a lightning talk at SGx 2019 in Washington, DC
- Brian Weeden and Chris Johnson will participate in the Space Security Index Working Group in Montreal, Canada
- Brian Weeden will participate in the third Woomera Manual Workshop in The Hague, the Netherlands
- Brian Weeden will testify at a hearing of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission on "China in Space: A Strategic Competition?" in Washington, DC
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2019 United Nations/China Forum on Space Solutions: Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals in Changsha, China
- India's ASAT Test: A Jolt To Space Stability
- Chris Johnson and Brian Weeden will participate at the 2019 Space Security Index Working Group in Montreal, Canada
- Chris Johnson will serve as a Core Expert and Rule Drafter at MILAMOS Workshop VII in Berlin, Germany
- Chris Johnson will serve as a panelist on “Conflicts in Space - Preventable or Unavoidable?” at McGill University in Montreal, Canada
- Peter Martinez will attend and present two talks at the 12th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation in Berlin, Germany
- Krystal Wilson will speak on a SATELLITE 2019 panel entitled "Making Earth Observation Data More Accessible and Commercially Actionable" in Washington, DC
- Peter Martinez will represent SWF at the upcoming 62nd Session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, in Vienna, Austria
- Victoria Samson will participate in a panel discussion on "Capitalizing on the commercial space renaissance" at the 18th Annual C4ISRNET Conference in Arlington, VA
- Peter Martinez will attend the IAASS Space Safety Conference in El Segundo, CA
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2019 Spacetide Conference in Tokyo, Japan
- Indo-Pacific Space Cooperation
- Krystal Wilson will moderate a session on universal access to space and data in artificial intelligence at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, Switzerland
- Chris Johnson will attend and present at the Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium in Geneva, Switzerland
- Chris Johnson will serve as a panelist at the Space Law in a Networked World symposium in Luxembourg
- Workshop on the Role of the Investor and Lender Sector in Incentivizing Responsible Space Behavior
- Small Satellites and Sustainable Development Session at SmallSat Conference
- Brian Weeden will give a presentation on policy and economic challenges with orbital debris removal at an OCED workshop in Montreal, Canada
- Secure World Foundation staff will attend the 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Washington, DC
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2019 NewSpace Conference in Seattle, WA
- Josh Wolny will speak at the American Astronautical Society's John Glenn Memorial Symposium in Cleveland, OH
- Ian Christensen will speak at the 2019 33rd AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites in Logan, UT
- Ian Christensen will participate in an Advisory Committee meeting for the Space Sustainability Rating in Vienna, Austria
- 2019 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Brian Weeden and Ian Christensen will participate in a CONFERS workshop on satellite servicing standards in Falls Church, VA
- Victoria Samson will speak on space traffic management at the Naval War College in Newport, RI
- Workshop on Exploring the Hidden Economic Value of Space Applications
- Krystal Wilson will participate in the 15th GEO Programme Board meeting in Ispra, Italy
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion on the growing risk of war in space as part of the 2019 International Law Weekend at Fordham Law School in New York, NY
- Peter Martinez will visit the SpaceLab at the University of Cape Town in Cape Town, South Africa
- Peter Martinez will participate in meetings with Thai Government Officials in Bangkok, Thailand
- Ian Christensen will speak at the Space Commerce Workshop in Boulder, CO
- Ian Christensen and Tiffany Chow will participate in the 2019 UK Space Conference in Newport, United Kingdom
- Priorities for Space Norms of Behavior Workshop
- 2019 Global Satellite Servicing Forum
- Ian Christensen and Chris Johnson will participate in a meeting of the Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
- Victoria Samson will speak at the GAO Center for Strategic Foresight's conference, "From Deep Fakes to Deep Space: Policy Challenges for the Future," in Washington, DC
- International Symposium on Maritime-Space Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region
- Chris Johnson will speak at the United Nations/Turkey/APSCO Conference on Space Law and Policy in Istanbul, Turkey
- Chris Johnson will participate in MILAMOS Workshop VIII in Montreal, Canada
- Is Spectrum Shifting the Playing Field for the Weather Enterprise? Spectrum Considerations for Weather Satellite End Users
- Bermuda Sustainability Workshop
- Space Weather as a Global Challenge 2019
- Peter Martinez to speak at University of Colorado Global Topics in Aerospace Graduate Class
- Navigating Space: Charting a Course for a Sustainable Space Environment
- Space and Cyber: Bolstering the Two Domains
- Victoria Samson will speak at LSAS Tec Co's 10th anniversary celebrations in Tokyo, Japan
- Krystal Wilson and Joshua Wolny will participate in the Sixteenth European Space Weather Week in Liège, Belgium
- Brian Weeden will participate in the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Brian Weeden will give a dinner talk on "Beyond the Space Force" with the World Affairs Council of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky in Cincinnati, OH
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion on space law and military space activities at the 12th Annual Nebraska Space Law Conference in Washington, DC
- 2019 Roundtable on Value and Benefit Creation in Commercial Space
- UNIDIR/SWF Informal Consultation Group: Implications of the Commercialization of Military Space Services
- Krystal Wilson will speak at the joint meeting of the 21st William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium (Pecora 21) and the 38th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE 38) in Baltimore, MD
- Peter Martinez will speak on a panel and attend Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal
- Krystal Wilson will moderate a panel at Space Tech Expo: Europe in Bremen, Germany
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion on space security at the Symposium on Space Innovations in Atlanta, Georgia
- U.S.-India Commercial Space Dialogue
- Brian Weeden is giving a talk on industry initiatives for best practices and standards at the Aerospace Corporation's Center for Space Policy and Strategy
- Peter Martinez will deliver the opening keynote at the 18th Space Generation Congress in Washington, DC
- Peter Martinez will speak at Geography 2050 on Borders in a Borderless World in New York City, NY
- Krystal Wilson will speak at the 8th Annual Space & Satellite Regulatory Colloquium in Washington, DC
- Cynda Collins-Arsenault will participate in a joint panel discussion of the UN First and Fourth Committees at the UN General Assembly in New York City, NY
- Victoria Samson will speak on the "Future of Space Governance" for the Office of Analytic Outreach in the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence & Research (INR) in Washington, DC
- Victoria Samson will speak on "Space Cooperation" at the conference, "Enhancing U.S.-India Strategic Cooperation," at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN
- Krystal Wilson will participate in the Group on Earth Observations XVI Plenary & Ministerial Summit in Canberra, Australia
- Norms of Behavior in Space Workshop
- Ian Christensen will speak on a plenary panel at the European Space Week in Helsinki, Finland
- Peter Martinez will speak on a plenary session panel titled “Spaces Beyond the State” at the Geography 2050 conference in New York City.
- The Sino-U.S. Space Commercialization Workshop II: Dialogues about the Future of Space Commercialization and the Global Space Community
- Peter Martinez and Krystal Wilson will participate in 8th African Space Leadership Congress on Space Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Ian Christensen will participate in the Global Space and Technology Convention in Singapore
- Wilton Park - Operating in Space: Current Multilateral Policy Issues and Challenges
- 2019 Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law
- Workshop on Responsible Space Behavior and the Democratization of Space
- Ian Christensen will attend the Forecast of China's Economy for 2020 conference in New York, NY
- Peter Martinez and Brian Weeden will attend the 57th Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of UN COPUOS in Vienna, Austria
- Examining the Socioeconomic Benefits of the International Space Station
- Brian Weeden will give a public lecture on the U.S. Space Force and space security trends to the Charlottesville Committee on Foreign Relations in Charlottesville, VA
- Brian Weeden will give a talk on International Collaboration in Space Sustainability to the AIAA National Capital Section in Washington, DC
- Opportunities and Challenges for International Cooperation in the Implementation of the LTS Guidelines
- 2nd Summit for Space Sustainability
- Victoria Samson will speak at the 6th Annual Space Traffic Management Conference in Austin, TX
- Ian Christensen will participate in an invite-only Lunar Polar Resources Roundtable in Washington, DC
- Chris Johnson will participate in ‘Return to the Moon: Legal Challenges as Humanity Begins to Settle the Solar System’ at the Cleveland-Marshall School of Law in Cleveland, OH
- [Virtual] IISL Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court: North American Regional Competition
- [Event Cancelled] Krystal Azelton will speak at the Global Aerospace Summit in Abu Dhabi, UAE
- [Event Canceled] Chris Johnson will participate in ‘The Institutions of Extraterrestrial Liberty’ symposium in Edinburgh, Scotland
- [Postponed] The Relevance of Economic Models to Space Debris Policy
- Brian Weeden will speak about satellite servicing standards and long-term sustainability guidelines at the International Symposium on Ensuring Stable Use of Outer Space in Tokyo, Japan
- [Event Canceled] Krystal Azelton will participate in the sixth High Level Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management in Windsor, United Kingdom
- Brian Weeden will participate in a discussion about space zones and bodyguards at the NPEC-ABA workshop on "Working Smarter with America's Spacefaring Allies" in Washington, DC."
- [Event Canceled] Chris Johnson and Ian Christensen will attend and participate in the 59th Session of the COPUOS Legal Subcommittee in Vienna, Austria
- [Canceled] Victoria Samson will give a presentation on "Defining New Cyber-Security and Network Threat," at Satellite 2020
- Webinar: Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities in Space
- Brian Weeden will be doing a Space Cafe WebTalk on the 2020 SWF Global Counterspace Capabilities Report
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon: Scarce Lunar Resources
- Brian Weeden will participate in a SpaceNews webinar on the progress of the Space Force
- Russia’s ASAT Test: What Does it Mean?
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon: The Implications of Dust for Resource Contention and Lunar Policy
- Victoria Samson will speak at a virtual Brookings Institute event on policy challenges of orbital debris
- Space Situational Awareness and Space Security
- Cyber Warfare in Space
- Rockets, Missiles, and Space: Lessons from The Hague Code of Conduct and Beyond
- Rethinking PAROS and looking ahead at multilateral approaches
- New Actors in the Space Domain: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Peter Martinez will be a panelist for an SGAC webinar on capacity building in the Latin American Region
- Safety Zones in Practice and Lessons from Earth
- Victoria Samson will participate in a webinar on the state of space security for the National Academy for Political and Strategic Studies at the Chilean Ministry of Defense
- Brian Weeden will participate in the 27th meeting of NOAA's Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing (ACCRES)
- Capacity-building for Space Sustainability: The role of government, industry and civil society
- Planetary Protection and Lunar Activities
- Serving Society with Space Data: SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
- Ian Christensen will present at Propulsion Systems 101 Interactive Workshop.
- Serving Society with Space Data: SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- Wilton Park - Operating in Space: Current Multilateral Policy Issues and Challenges (Africa)
- Wilton Park - Operating in Space: Current Multilateral Policy Issues and Challenges (Central Asia and Middle East)
- Wilton Park - Operating in Space: Current Multilateral Policy Issues and Challenges (GRULAC region)
- Executive Director Peter Martinez participates at Trends Research and Advisory E-Symposium, The Role of Space in Sustainable Development
- Serving Society with Space Data - SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
- Serving Society with Space Data - SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing
- Serving Society with Space Data - SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Safety of Spaceflight: Looking back at the past decade, looking ahead at the next five years
- Space Weather and Small Satellites: How the Sun Impacts LEO
- Chris Johnson will discuss lunar exploration on Space Café WebTalk, hosted by SpaceWatch.Global
- Josh Wolny, Ian Christensen, and Chris Johnson will serve as subject matter experts for a virtual working group on lunar resource use at the first SpaceGen United
- Peter Martinez will give a keynote presentation at the Space Generation Advisory Council's first SpaceGen United
- Daniel Porras will speak at a Space Café on Cyber Security and How to Protect Outer Space
- Peter Martinez will serve as a panelist on webinar regarding current topics in space traffic management
- Peter Martinez will speak in a panel on space developments in Africa at the 2020 ISU Alumni conference
- 2020 Virtual AMOS Dialogue
- Workshop on Responsible Space Behavior
- On Orbit, Off Campus: a Virtual Primer in On-Orbit Services
- Opportunities and Benefits in Space Resources Utilization
- Chris Johnson will speak at an event on Artemis Accords and the future of space governance, moderated by Daniel Porras
- Chris Johnson will appear on the Cold Star Project podcast with Jason Kanigan
- All SDGs: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Krystal Azelton and Josh Wolny will speak at the virtual Global Aerospace Conference
- Brian Weeden will participate in a Mitre virtual panel discussion on the role of Spacepower in Great Power Competition
- Ian Christensen, Victoria Samson, and Brian Weeden will serve as moderators for the Policy Forum at the 2020 Virtual AMOS Conference
- Brian Weeden will give a presentation on current and future counterspace threats as part of the 2020 Nebraska Virtual Space Law Week
- Brian Weeden will moderate a panel discussion on China's government and military space activities as part of the China Aerospace Studies Institute's 2020 PRC Space Conference
- Peter Martinez will speak at the American Bar Association Forum on Air and Space Law event titled Orbital Debris Mitigation: The View from Different Perspectives on Law and Policy
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon: Registration Mechanisms for the Moon
- Chris Johnson will deliver a lecture on governmental regulation of private space activities to the Chilean government as part of UNOOSA’s Space Law for New Space Actors project
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion on the state of the Space Force organized by DefenseOne
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon: Sustainable Lunar Surface Infrastructure
- 2020 Global Satellite Servicing Forum
- Second Sino-U.S. Space Commercialization Workshop
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion on the role of norms in balancing future space behaviors and weapons organized by the Wilson Center
- Victoria Samson will present options for norms of responsible behavior in track 2 conversations between the US National Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Sciences
- Victoria Samson will speak at a panel on building the space economy at a virtual event hosted by the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress and George Mason University’s National Security Institute
- Krystal Azelton will be a guest on Space Store Live! exploring the importance and impact of sustainability in space and how that affects the benefits derived on Earth
- Krystal Azelton will speak on a panel on space sustainability at ASCEND
- 2020 CODER Orbital Debris Workshop
- Peter Martinez and Nicole Nir will present at the 71st International Astronautical Conference
- Exploring Insights from Emerging Space Agencies
- Victoria Samson will present on the current state of space security at a virtual side event for UN personnel
- Victoria Samson will speak on cybersecurity as it relates to space security and stability at the Brazilian Air Force University (UNIFA)
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon: Spaceport & Landing Pad Designs
- Victoria Samson will participate in the University of Washington's student-run Space Dialogue
- Krystal Azelton will speak at the GEOINT Community Forum on professional experiences resulting in community resilience.
- Seeing Space Security: The role of space situational awareness for verification of future space arms control
- Victoria Samson will moderate a panel on space safety at this year's virtual Paris Peace Forum
- Brian Weeden will moderate a panel on space weather and space situational awareness at the Space Weather Enterprise Forum
- Victoria Samson will present on the issue of trust and emerging technologies for a UNIDIR event
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion of the US Space Force at the AIAA ASCEND Conference
- Brian Weeden will give a lecture on national security space policies as part of McGill University's Strategic Space Law Course
- 2020 Space Weather Enterprise Forum
- Krystal Azelton will participate on the panel "Establishing Green Space: The Satellite Dilemma" at the Critical Connections: Greening the TMT Sector conference
- Space Policy and Sustainability Issue Briefing for the Incoming Biden Administration
- Ian Christensen will speak on a panel addressing "Managing and Controlling Space Resources" as part of the 2020 Colorado Space Business Roundup
- Brian Weeden will participate in a virtual panel discussion on the Space Force hosted by the Cato Institute
- Reducing Space Threats: A Resolution
- Brian Weeden will serve on a panel on "Addressing Space Congestion as a National Security Threat" at Military Satcom Digital Week
- Victoria Samson will moderate a panel on "Pursuing Urgent Consensus on Space Situational Awareness and Debris Mitigation" at SpaceTechExpo
- Peter Martinez will speak at the 19th Republic of Korea-United Nations Joint Conference on Disarmament and Non-proliferation New Technologies and its Impact on Disarmament and Non-proliferation Issues
- Peter Martinez will speak on the UN COPUOS Guidelines for the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities at the 2020 United Nations Conference on Space Law and Policy: Emerging Issues in Space Law and Policy - Perspectives for African Nations
- Peter Martinez will speak at a side event on the future of space exploration at the World Space Forum, organized jointly by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and the UAE Space Agency
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon: 2020 Lunar Policy Takeaways
- Brian Weeden will speak at the 2020 Air and Space Power International Seminar organized by the Center for Air and Space Power Strategic Studies in Japan
- Sustainable Space Logistics Digital Symposium
- Chris Johnson will speak at the Future Arms Control in an Era of Strategic Competition workshop organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies
- IISL 15th Annual Eilene M. Galloway Memorial Symposium
- Victoria Samson will be moderating a panel of international perspectives at Aerospace's CubeSat Tracking Industry day
- Victoria Samson will be participating in a Ditchley Foundation conference on the use of space and the related geostrategic and economic implications
- Chris Johnson will participate in a virtual panel discussion on "The Great Game of Economics Afoot in Space," organized by NewSpace New Mexico
- Peter Martinez will discuss space sustainability on a Space Café WebTalk hosted by Torsten Kriening
- Brian Weeden will take part in a panel discussion on international perspectives at the 7th Annual IAA Space Traffic Management Conference to talk about lessons learned from eight years of AMOS Dialogues
- Brian Weeden will take part in a "Space Debris Day" webinar, hosted by the MacMillan Space Center, to talk about the science and politics of orbital debris
- Brian Weeden will be moderating a panel on economics and collaboration in commercial satellite servicing at the 6th Japan National Space Policy Secretariat Symposium on Ensuring Safe and Sustainable Use of Outer Space
- Victoria Samson will be a panelist at a Politico Live event, "Ready to Launch—Space policy in Biden Era," where she will discuss national security space policy options for the new administration
- Brian Weeden will be moderating a panel on space traffic management at the 2021 IASC Commons in Space Virtual Conference
- Report Release Event: Lost Without Translation: Identifying Gaps in U.S. Perceptions of the Chinese Commercial Space Sector
- Ian Christensen will speak at the US-China Series: The Business of Space: China’s Ambitions & the Global Context event, discussing pereceptions of China's commerical space sector
- Ian Christensen will speak on a panel on the topic of social license to operate for lunar resources activities management at the 2021 IASC Commons in Space Virtual Conference
- Chris Johnson will participate in a webinar on cooperation, coordination and competition in space
- Victoria Samson will discuss space security issues with UCLA's Burkle Center's interns as part of its Student Voices series
- Victoria Samson will be speaking about security threats to operating in space at a Wilton Park conference on responsible behavior in space
- Brian Weeden will be moderating a panel on developing "rules" for satellite servicing at the First Sustainable Space Logistics Digital Symposium
- 2021 Global Lunar Research Agenda
- Peter Martinez will participate in the 4th African Space Generation Workshop, "A United Africa for Space Innovation: A Step Towards Our Common Future”
- Peter Martinez will participate in a panel discussion organized by the Space Court Foundation on breaking down silos in multilateral space discussions
- Security and Stability of Space: What You Need to Know
- Roundtable on “War and Peace in Outer Space”
- Peter Martinez will be participating in an invitation-only panel organized by Dialogue Retreat to discuss a range of governance questions raised by the evolution of space activities
- Peter Martinez will moderate a panel discussion on space forces, space traffic management and space situtional awareness at the 2021 GALIX Inaugural Congess
- Victoria Samson will speak about China's counterspace capabilities at the launch of the second Lau Policy Series 2020 at the King's College London and the School of Security Studies.
- Krystal Azelton and Chris Johnson will serve as subject matter experts at the 6th South America Space Generation Workshop
- Peter Martinez will deliver an invited talk on the UN COPUOS space sustainability guidelines organized by the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies
- Brian Weeden will give a virtual public lecture on "Beyond the Space Force: Security Challenges and Trends in Outer Space" to the Charlottesville Committee on Foreign Relations
- Peaceful Moon Salon: Fractured Lunar Futures?
- Peter Martinez will present a lecture on the role of NGOs in space governance to students attending a course on space governance in the Political Science Department at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada
- The Dark Arts in Space: Developments in Counterspace Weapons
- Defense Against the Dark Arts in Space
- 3rd Summit for Space Sustainability
- 2021 Sino-U.S. Space Commercialization Workshop
- Ian Christensen will appear on the DongFang Hour podcast to discuss the recent SWF and Caelus Foundation paper "Lost Without Translation: Identifying Gaps in U.S. Perceptions of the Chinese Commercial Space Sector" with co-author Rob Ronci
- Developing Norms of Behaviors for Near Earth Space: Safety, Security, and Sustainability
- Accessible Moon Salon: International Coordination for Lunar Exploration
- Peter Martinez will participate in a Space Café Summit on “Where are we going?”
- Victoria Samson will speak on a panel hosted by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) examining the proposed UK Space Command
- Victoria Samson will speak on space and cybersecurity at the inaugural Space Cybersecurity Symposium hosted by DOC and DHS
- Brian Weeden will be participating in a panel discussion of space security at the Masterclass on Grey Zone and Disinformation organized by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute
- Victoria Samson will speak on the intersection between space capabilities and nuclear weapons systems at a virtual conference hosted by UNIDIR
- Peter Martinez will deliver a presentation at SpaceOps 2021 on the UN COPUOS space sustainability guidelines and their implementation
- Victoria Samson will speak on trends and developments in threats to space systems at a conference co-organized by UNODA and UNIDIR
- Ian Christensen will speak as part of a US-China Series panel discussing space-related elements in China's 14th 5-Year Plan
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon #13: Mobilizing Youth for Lunar Governance
- Brian Weeden will be speaking at a workshop discussing the future of NATO and space organized by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the NATO Defense College (NDC)
- Brian Weeden will be speaking at a virtual event discussing the impact of large satellite constellations on astronomy organized by the University of Edinburgh
- Brian Weeden will be speaking about space traffic management at a virtual event on Space Logistics organized by the Foundation for the Future
- Victoria Samson will be a discussant in a conversation about Russia’s evolving military space capabilities and the proliferation of counterspace weapons
- Brian Weeden will be speaking about the future of the Space Force at the DefenseOne Tech Summit 2021
- Victoria Samson and Brian Weeden will be providing a virtual briefing to the Cosmos Club on space sustainability
- Registering Lunar Activities: Solutions to the Shortcomings of Current Law and Practice
- Peter Martinez will speak to students at the University of Cape Town about space sustainability
- Brian Weeden will moderate a virtual panel on "Enabling Responsible & Sustainable Space Operations" as part of the Satellite 2021 Conference
- 2021 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Krystal Azelton and Chris Johnson will speak at the Policy Studies Organization's Space Education & Strategic Applications Conference
- Chris Johnson will speak on a panel on lunar activities at SG[Egypt]
- Chris Johnson will serve a guest lecturer at the 2021 International Space University Space Studies Program (SSP)
- Chris Johnson will participate in the workshop "Towards a Lunar Generation: First Moon Village Association Online Workshop for Students and Young Professionals"
- Chris Johnson will speak on the legal aspects of space mining at SpaceTech Analytics' event "Space Mining the High Frontier"
- Moon Dialogs Salon: Safety Zones
- Victoria Samson will speak about space as a warfighting domain at the US Naval War College's annual Future Warfighting Symposium
- Brian Weeden will participate in a virtual briefing to Air Combat Command on Chinese space and counterspace capabilities
- Brian Weeden, Victoria Samson, and Daniel Porras will all speak at the AMOS Policy Forum which is part of the AMOS conference. Daniel Porras will speak at the affiliated EMER-GEN events for young professionals and students
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion on space security at the International Space University Alumni Conference 2021
- 2021 Global Satellite Servicing Forum
- Brian Weeden and Ian Christensen will participate in the 13th CONFERS workshop on satellite servicing standards in Colorado Springs, CO
- Ian Christensen will speak at the Bloomberg Radar 2021 event, on the subject of regulation and commerical space
- Krystal Azelton will speak at the The Challenges of LEO Operations session at the Small Payload Rideshare Association Symposium
- Space, Climate Change, and International Cooperation
- 2021 Outer Space Security Conference
- Brian Weeden will moderate a fireside chat hosted by Arkisys on developing standards for robotic dockings with space outposts
- Peter Martinez will virtually participate in the APSCO/ESA/CISL Space Law Workshop 2021
- Victoria Samson will speak about strategies satellite operators can take to make the space environment more sustainable
- Peter Martinez will speak on the topic of crowded orbits and space governance at the UC Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
- Peter Martinez will participate in the first assembly for The Off-World Approach, hosted by the Hague Institute for Global Justice
- Ian Christensen will speak as part of the Sustainability in Space: The Next Frontier webinar hosted by Rubicon and GreenBiz.
- The Urgency to Act on Space Traffic Management
- Space High-Level Dialogue Series 2021: Commercial Human Spaceflight -- the Blue Dream of Mankind
- Krystal Azelton and Victoria Samson will speak at WARP STATION Conference Vol.1 on the topic of space for our sustainable societies
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discusion on conflict in outer space as part of the 2021 Stockholm Security Conference
- Peter Martinez will present an invited lecture at the International Space University on International governance measures for the safety, security and sustainability of space activities
- Krystal Azelton will be speaking on Earth observation satellites potential for climate change monitoring at the PRECOP 2021 SEE Lab Annual Conference.
- Victoria Samson will be speaking on a virtual panel as part of a celebration of women in space for World Space Week, co-sponsored by CU Boulder's Space & Sustainability Initiative and SWF
- Victoria Samson will participate in a virtual roundtable hosted by St. Andrews University's Centre for Global Law and Governance on the state of space security today and discuss possible options for improving the stability of space
- Peter Martinez will speak at a virtual sustainable space event exploring the links between space and sustainability
- Krystal Azelton will moderate a session entitled "Forward Thinking: Climate Security and Space: Understanding the Gendered Implications of New Domains," which will take place at the Girl Security Symposium
- Peter Martinez will participate in a Chatham House panel event on governance in space
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion on cyber security of LEO satellites at CyberSatGov 2021 in Reston, VA
- Victoria Samson will participate in a virtual U.S. State Department side event and discuss threats to space security and stability and responsible behavior
- Brian Weeden will be speaking on a virtual panel discussion on satellite servicing at CyFy 2021
- Space Security and Stability and the Middle East: Relevance, Rights, and Responsibilities
- Brian Weeden will take part in a virtual panel discussion on "Developing the Space Safety Institute" as part of the 11th IAASS Conference on Managing Risk in Space
- Brian Weeden will join a panel at the 2021 Cyber and Space Security Conference organized by Enterprise Estonia and the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Chris Johnson and Victoria Samson will present at the 2021 Cislunar Security Conference at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
- Brian Weeden will participate in a virtual panel discussion on conflict in outer space at the 2021 Stockholm Security Conference
- 6th ORF Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- Brian Weeden will participate in a virtual panel discussion on "Lunar Governance: Lessons from Earth" organized by the Moon Dialogs
- 10 Years of the Wolf Amendment: Assessing Effects and Outcomes
- Peter Martinez will moderate a session at the 1st IAA Africian Symposium on Small Satellites
- Moon Dialogs Research Salon #16: Lunar Governance - Lessons from Earth
- Ian Christensen will attend the SmallSat Symposium in Mountain View, CA
- Dancing Lights in Space: How to Manage The Risks of Satellite Close Approaches in Geostationary Orbit
- Brian Weeden will be giving a hybrid lecture at MIT on how emerging space nations are developing space policies and strategies
- New Actors in Space Workshop
- Brian Weeden will moderate a panel discussion on military norms of behavior in space at the SGAC Fusion Forum in Colorado Springs, CO
- Brian Weeden will speak on a panel on space traffic management at the US Space Command Space Law Conference in Colorado Springs, CO
- LEO Kinetic Space Safety Workshop
- Brian Weeden will be moderating a panel discussion on space congestion at the Satellite 2022 Conference in Washington, DC
- 4th Summit for Space Sustainability
- Victoria Samson will discuss issues affecting space security and stability for a virtual event hosted by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in honor of International Women's Day
- Victoria Samson will be speaking about global counterspace capabilities at a workshop hosted by the Arms Control Association
- Victoria Samson will participate in a virtual panel discussing the upcoming Open Ended Working Group and how it can shape international understanding of responsible space behavior
- Chris Johnson will discuss space law in relation to the moon at the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium two-day lunar event hosted by John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland
- Peter Martinez will deliver a keynote at the NewSpace Africa Conference in Nairobi, Kenya
- The Growing Need for Space Sustainability: Satellite Servicing's Role
- Victoria Samson will speak at the inaugural U.S. Space Command Leadership Conference at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Victoria Samson will be moderating a panel on space safety at Space Tech Expo USA in Long Beach, CA
- Earth Observation Stakeholders & Space Sustainability: Why You Should Care
- Brian Weeden will be supporting the Space Generation Fusion Forum 2022 in Colorado Springs
- Brian Weeden will be participating in a panel on space traffic management at the UCARS Space Weather Workshop 2022
- Tracking Developments in Counterspace Weapons
- Chris Johnson will discuss legal aspects of space debris at the 2022 Harvard Space Week in Cambridge, MA
- Ian Christensen will particpate as a panelist at a European Space Policy Institute virtual event launching the ESPI report "Limited Orbital Environments: Capacity Approaches to Outer Space"
- Peter Martinez will discuss the history and activities of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on this week's episode of The Space Policy Show
- Victoria Samson will join a panel on "Arms Control for Tomorrow: Mitigating the Dangers of New Weapons Technologies" at the Arms Control Association's annual meeting in Washington, DC
- Victoria Samson will present virtually on the current state of space security to the Geneva-based Graduate Institute
- Harvard Space Week
- Peter Martinez will give a plenary presentation and teach a masterclass on space law on policy at the Global Conference on Space for Emerging Countries in Quito, Ecuador
- Victoria Samson will speak on a panel on "Stakes and Solutions in Responsibly Managing Space" at the SatExpo Summit 2022 in Dubai, UAE
- Krystal Azelton will present SWF's Global Counterspace Report at the Defense IQ Space Operations Summit in London, England
- Brian Weeden, Victoria Samson, and Daniel Porras will speak about SWF's “2022 Global Counterspace Capabilities” report as part of the Café Espacial Series
- Krystal Azelton will appear on an episode of the Space Policy Show to discuss the urgent need for space sustainability solutions
- Peter Martinez will attend and speak on a panel at the first meeting of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviors
- Peter Martinez will participate in the space leadership panel at the 7th SGAC South America Conference in Quito, Ecuador
- Krystal Azelton will be featured in a Space Café WebTalk hosted by Torsten Kriening (Virtual)
- Ian Christensen will participate in a virtual side event on the margin of the 65th COPUOS Plenary Session
- Ian Christensen will speak at the Annual Conference of the Space Economy Evolution (SEE) Lab at SDA Bocconi University, “Fostering Multidisciplinary Research for the Future of Space: Following Andrea Sommariva's Footsteps” in Milan, Italy
- Brian Weeden will speak virtually to the State of the Industrial Base 2022 workshop in Albuquerque, NM
- SWF will deliver two statements to the 65th COPUOS plenary session
- Victoria Samson will virtually present on space governance to UNIDIR and UNODA’s Disarmament Orientation Course for Geneva diplomats
- Brian Weeden will participate in the 2022 Patti Grace Smith Fellowship summit in Washington, DC
- Victoria Samson will speak about cyber security in space at the 56th Otago Foreign Policy School program, “Ascending into Space: New Zealand’s Role as a Space-Faring Nation”
- Victoria Samson will speak at a Chatham House webinar, “Exploring Russia’s space policy”
- Christopher Johnson will speak about space sustainability at a World Space Week webinar
- Ian Christensen will speak at the SPACETIDE 2022 Conference: ‘New Value Creation’ in Tokyo, Japan
- Victoria Samson will speak about the role space plays in nuclear deterrence at the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation’s 2022 Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp (PPNT)
- Progressing Lunar Policy: a Round Table Side Event at the 65th COPUOS Plenary Session
- Small Satellites & Space Sustainability: Why You Should Care
- Regulator Dialogue on Approaches to Licensing of Large Constellations
- Secure World Foundation staff will attend the 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Paris, France
- Chris Johnson will serve as a Keynote Speaker on Lunar Exploration Coordination and Sustainability at the International Moon Day online event, hosted by the Moon Village Association - India
- Ian Christensen will participate in a meeting of the Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities in Paris, France
- 2022 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Second Regulator Dialogue on Approaches to Licensing of Large Constellations
- 2022 Global Satellite Servicing Forum
- Ian Christensen will speak as part of a panel at Wharton Aerospace Ventures 2022
- Enhancing Space Security through Norms, Rules, and Principles of Responsible Behavior
- Brian Weeden, Victoria Samson, and Ian Christensen will all speak at the AMOS Policy Forum which is part of the AMOS Conference in Maui, HI
- Peter Martinez will travel to Brussels to participate in a panel discussion on Space Sustainability at a workshop on new frontiers in EU space governance organized by the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies
- Christopher Johnson will serve as a panelist on The Rush for Resources: International Legal Implications of Space Mining panel at the 2022 International Law Weekend in New York City.
- Advancing Space Security Through Norms, Rules, and Principles of Responsible Behavior
- Peter Martinez will participate in a panel at the African Space Leadership Institute.
- Chris Johnson will speak on the responsible stewardship of the Moon at the University of Arizona’s “The Future Is Almost Now: Issues in Space Law and Policy” event in Washington, DC.
- Brian Weeden will speak at the UN-L Space Law Conference in Washington, DC.
- Brian Weeden will speak at John’s Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC.
- Ian Christensen will speak on two panels at the AIAA ASCEND conference in Las Vegas, NV.
- Victoria Samson will participate in an Outer Space Institute workshop, "Commercial Satellites, Large Constellations, and Armed Conflict"
- Victoria Samson will participate in a Wilton Park event, "Defence and Security of Space: sharing perspectives on military operations and behaviours in space"
- Krystal Azelton will speak on a virtual panel entitlied, "Exploring the interface of Earth and Space governance" at the 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance
- Krystal Azelton will attend the 22nd William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium (Pecora 22)
- Victoria Samson will speak at CyFy, a conference on technology, security, and society, held by the Observer Research Foundation
- Krystal Azelton will serve as a panelist on the, "Satellites as Enablers to Create New Values for Our Society" session at the Space Industrial Workshop at the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
- Dr. Peter Martinez will speak in a panel event on the benefits of space for socioeconomic development, organised by SWF and the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica
- Dr. Peter Martinez will participate in a panel discussion at the United Nations on resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction as part of the 32nd Informal Meeting of Legal Advisors
- Dr. Peter Martinez will attend the APSCO Leadership Development Forum hosted by the Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)
- Krystal Azelton will be a speaker at the New Space Economy (NSE) Expoforum in Rome, Italy
- Brian Weeden will participate in a panel discussion on creating policy coherence in tackling space debris at the Commons in Space 2022 Virtual Conference
- Brian Weeden will be on a panel discussion on policy implications of growing autonomy in space at the AIAA Space Autonomy Summit in Washington, DC
- Outer Space Security Conference 2022
- For the Benefit of Humankind: Understanding How Space Activities Improve Life on Earth
- Krystal Azelton will speak at the 2022 COMEUP Conference in Seoul, South Korea
- Krystal Azelton will speak on 'Satellites as Enablers to Create New Values for Our Society' at the Space Industrial Workshop at the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum in Hanoi, Vietnam
- Victoria Samson will speak virtually at the 21st ROK-UN Conference on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Issues
- Ian Christensen will participate in the 2022 Paris Peace Forum in Paris, France
- Victoria Samson will moderate a virtual panel of the Global VSAT Forum titled, “Space Sustainability: Is it Too Late?”
- Victoria Samson will discuss counterspace capabilities at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Track 1.5 Dialogue in Space in Sydney, Australia
- Ian Christensen will speak at the GNOSIS Annual Conference 2022: "Space Sustainability for the Next Decade (and Beyond)" in Coventry, United Kingdom
- Victoria Samson will participate in an Outer Space Institute workshop, “Commercial Satellites, Large Constellations, and Armed Conflict” in Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
- Space High-end Dialogue Series 2022: Constellations Guide the Future
- Victoria Samson will speak at the Atlantic Council’s Forward Defense Forum, “Securing Space: Preparing for Future Space Contingencies”
- The Artemis Accords: Past, Present, and Future
- Victoria Samson will participate in a virtual panel of the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC), "Space Issues for the Next Congress"
- Brian Weeden discussed transatlantic and international space cooperation at the NOSA-ESPI Space Policy Symposium in Oslo, Norway
- Brian Weeden gave an invited talk on Space Traffic Management at the 2022 ISRO SSA and STM Workshop in Bengaluru, India
- Victoria Samson discussed threats to space systems at a Wilton Park event on responsible space behavior in Panama City, Panama
- Brian Weeden participated in the 60th meeting of the UNCOPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee in Vienna, Austria
- Victoria Samson and Brian Weeden observed the 3rd meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group On Reducing Space Threats in Geneva, Switzerland
- Victoria Samson and Krystal Azelton participated in-person at GSTC 2023 in Singapore
- Space Exploration Investments: Turning Uncertainty into Measurable Risk and Benefits
- Dialogue on Orbital Carrying Capacity & Approaches to Licensing of Large Constellations
- 5th Space Sustainability Summit in New York City
- Brian Weeden hosted a webinar on what to do about ASAT capabilities for the African Space Leadership Institute (ASLI)
- Brian Weeden spoke at the 8th International Symposium on Ensuring Stable Use of Space Hosted by the Japanese Cabinet Office
- Victoria Samson joined a discussion on China and Strategic Stability in Space with the U.S. Institute of Peace
- SWF Space Sustainability Research Fellowship Results: Polycentricity in Space Governance, and “Is Outer Space a Commons?”
- Peter Martinez invited as a panelist to participate in the SpaceOps 2023 Plenary Panel
- African Perspectives for Advancing Space Security through Norms, Rules and Principles of Responsible Behaviours Workshop
- "The Importance of Responsible Behavior in Enhancing Space Sustainability" Workshop in Singapore
- Roundtable: Promoting Responsible Commercial Leadership - the Role of Industry Best Practices Initiatives
- SGAC’s Seventh European Space Workshop, sponsored by SWF
- Krystal Azelton participated in a Deep Dive panel session on New Space at GeoBiz Summit 2023 in Monterey, California.
- Krystal Azelton gave a lightning talk on International Norms of Behavior at SGx2023
- Ian Christensen moderated a threat evaluation panel Session at Satellite 2023
- Ian Christensen discussed the characterization of risk and barriers at ASCENDxTexas
- Victoria Samson spoke about counterspace issues at the Military SSA Conference in London, UK
- SWF sponsored the North American Regional Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition
- Brian Weeden spoke on a panel about Space Traffic Management at the 2023 GLSC Symposium on Legal and Policy Issues in the New Space Economy
- Chris Johnson spoke on a panel about Orbital Debris, ASAT Tests & Decommissioning Satellites at the 2023 GLSC Symposium on Legal and Policy Issues in the New Space Economy
- Chris Johnson attended and participated at the 62nd session of the Legal Subcommittee of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)
- SWF and Moon Dialogs announced the publication of the Lunar Policy Handbook with an event at COPUOS Legal Subcommittee
- Krystal Azelton led a talk on the Space Industry Workforce and Attracting Talent at Satellite 2023
- Ian Christensen delivered remarks at the G20 Space Economy Leaders Precursor Meeting
- Victoria Samson will be a panelist on "Challenges and Opportunities for Space Situational Awareness" at The Future of Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Management
- Victoria Samson will deliver remarks as a panelist on the Global Counterspace Capabilities And Multilateral Discussions panel at the 18th annual Military Space Situational Awareness Conference
- Space High-end Dialogue Series 2023: Perspectives on Lunar Commercialization: Value and Activities on the Moon for the Interest of Humanity
- Victoria Samson spoke about how to enhance international cooperation at the first Space for Island Nations Conference in Malé, Maldives
- UKSA and SWF hosted the "Drivers for Sustainability" Luncheon at the 38th Space Symposium
- Space Sustainability and Threats to Geospatial Assets and Data
- Brian Weeden will speak on the Legal and Policy Implications of Commercial Services at the IDA Space Forum
- Chris Johnson spoke about the legal nature of space and space domains at the Preventing Space War event at ASU in Washington DC
- Peter Martinez and Brian Weeden attended the 12th IAASS Making Space Travel Safer conference
- Peter Martinez was invited to deliver a keynote at the 6th New Space Atlantic Summit
- Peter Martinez was invited to attend the NewSpace Africa conference to deliver an keynote and to participate in two panels.
- Space Capacity Allocation for the Sustainability of Space Activities
- Krystal Azelton will attend an Astroscale event and the NY Space Business Roundtable in New York City.
- Within Our Orbit: The Promise of Space Capabilities in Global Economic Development
- Brian Weeden will speak about space security competiton at a panel organized by George Washington University
- USCC Hearing on "Hearing on "Rule by Law: China’s Increasingly Global Legal Reach"
- SWF Attends 66th COPUOS
- A Contested Domain: From Space Theory to Practice
- Sustainability & Security of Space Infrastructure
- Leveraging Private Sector Best Practices for Space Traffic Management
- Launch of the COPUOS Briefing Book
- Communicating about Climate Change: Can the Space Industry Tell Our Story Better?
- 2023 AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Brian Weeden and Victoria Samson will be participating in the 2023 Maui AMOS Conference in Hawaii
- Chris Johnson served as panelist at the 2023 European Space Forum in Brussels
- Victoria Samson spoke about geopolitical volatility and how it might affect space at the Financial Times Live's Investing in Space Summit in London, UK
- Krystal Azelton participated in a webinar entitled Ensuring Safe and Sustainable Access to Space: Managing an Increasingly Congested Orbital Environment hosted by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
- Krystal Azelton spoke at SSPI's Webinar called Legal: Is space the Wild West, East, North & South?
- 2023 Space Weather Enterprise Forum
- SWF's Dr. Peter Martinez and Krystal Azelton attended the Global Leaders on Space Sustainability Symposium on 28 June 2023 in London, UK
- SWF's Krystal Azelton and Ian Christensen moderated sessions at the SPACETIDE 2023 conference in Tokyo, Japan
- Analysis of recommendations for space threat reduction through possible norms, rules and principles of responsible behavior: Suggestions to the OEWG from Latin America and the Caribbean
- Space Debris and ASAT Testing: Protecting the Operational Environment for SmallSats
- Outer Space Security Conference 2023
- Chris Johnson will speak at ASU's Interplanetary Initiative ‘Space Futures’ retreat in Phoenix, Arizona, August 23–26
- Dr. Brian Weeden will speak at the 2023 Future Joint Warfighting Symposium on August 10th
- Brian Weeden spoke on the Space Stage at TechCrunch Disrupt 2023 in San Francisco
- Our Fragile Space: Protecting the Near Space Environment
- UNIDIR Toolkit for Space Security
- Peter Martinez will speak at the NYSE Space Forum: Bridging Space & Capital Markets event in New York City.
- Krystal Azelton and Brian Weeden will participate in panels discussions at the 2023 UN-L Space, Cyber, and Telecommunications Law Conference in Washington, DC
- Dr. Peter Martinez & Ian Christensen attended the 2023 International Astronautical Congress in Baku, Azerbaijan.
- Krystal Azelton & Ian Christensen attended the Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum in Jakarta
- Chris Johnson discussed the effects of a hostile space environment and bad actors on SATCOM Infrastructure at Global MILSATCOM 2023
- Chris Johnson will participate at the IAU Symposium "Astronomy and Satellite Constellations: Pathways Forward", in La Palma, Canary Islands on 2-6 October 2023
- Victoria Samson spoke on space security issues at a meeting held in Bengaluru, India, between the US National Academy of Sciences and India’s National Institute of Advanced Sciences
- Director of Space Application Programs Krystal Azelton moderated the session “The connection between sustainability on Earth and sustainability in space” at the Space and Earth Conference
- Dr. Brian Weeden and Krystal Azelton spoke on panels at the 2023 UN-L Space, Cyber, and Telecommunications Law Conference
- Krystal Azelton spoke on a panel featuring women in space policy at the Summit on Emerging Technology Policy in Washington, DC
- Global Networking Forum: Does everyone really love space activities?: How communications and storytelling play a crucial role in gaining policy changes, funding support, and workforce development
- Chris Johnson participated at the IAU Symposium "Astronomy and Satellite Constellations: Pathways Forward"
- Call to Action: Sustainability on Earth Depends on Sustainability in Space
- A Vibe Check on Space Security Diplomacy: Progress or More Spinning Wheels?
- Peter Martinez made the opening remarks for the Space Law Technical Advisory Mission to Costa Rica.
- Peter Martinez served on a panel with the Economist on the potential challenges and benefits of enacting a global ban on anti-satellite testing.
- Space High-end Dialogue Series 2023:Satellite Constellations for Connectivity and Societal Infrastructure: Perspectives on Navigating Shared Challenges in the Path to Successful Deployment
- Brian Weeden spoke at the 6th annual CONFERS Global Satellite Servicing Forum in Arlington, VA, on a panel about a potential multilateral agreement on satellite servicing
- Victoria Samson spoke about the OEWG at a side event hosted by the UK government at 1st Committee, UNHQ, NYC
- Chris Johnson and Ian Christensen participated in the 2023 Paris Peace Forum
- Brian Weeden discussed options for improving governance of space activities at the Stimson-Princeton conference on "A New Era in Space: Global Governance for a Contested Space Domain" in Washington, DC
- Brian Weeden was on a panel discussion Space Sustainability at the annual SEDS SpaceVision 2023 Conference in Washington, DC
- Brian Weeden discussed access to space capabilities on a panel at the Seminar on Norwegian-American Cooperation in Space in Washington, DC
- Ian Christensen will attend an Outer Space Institute organized workshop on astronomy and dark and quiet skies in Vancouver, British Columbia
- International Workshop on Space Resources Perspectives of Emerging Space Programs
- Release of Industry Statement in Support of International Commitments to Not Conduct Destructive ASAT Tests
- Brian Weeden will speak at "A New Era in Space: Global Governance for a Contested Domain" co-organized by the Stimson Center and Princeton University in Washington, DC
- Ian Christensen will speak on lunar governance and sustainability at the Commons in Space 2023 Virtual Conference
- SWF Space Sustainability Research Fellowship Results: "Verifying Anti-ASAT Commitments" and "Customary International Law Formation for Space Security"
- Victoria Samson spoke on space security issues at a conference on NATO and space in Forli, Italy
- Chris Johnson spoke about lunar scenarios triggering cislunar security concerns at the 2023 Cislunar Security Conference in Laurel, Maryland
- Chris Johnson will serve as a panelist at the 2023 Eilene Galloway event on Critical Issues in Space Law, in Washington DC
- Brian Weeden will speak on a panel addressing space debris mitigation policy options at the OECD Space Forum Workshop on the Economics of Space Sustainability: Identifying Policy Options and Assessing Their Effects
- Brian Weeden moderated a panel on "Building Resiliency Through Partnerships" at the 2023 GEOINT Community Forum
- SWF Space Law Advisor delivered a lunchtime lecture at the ASU School of Law
- Brian Weeden attended the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS in Vienna, Austria
- Chris Johnson participated at the ASU Interplanetary Initiative Space Futures Convening, in Scottsdale, Arizona, Jan 12-14
- Brian Weeden gave a virtual lecture on "Global Efforts On Space Sustainability" to the African Space Leadership Institute
- Victoria Samson moderated a panel examining government and industry approaches to SSA
- Victoria Samson discussed space security issues at the 10th annual STM conference at UT Austin
- Victoria Samson will attend the upcoming intersessional meeting of the GGE on PAROS in NYC Feb. 29-March 1, 2024
- Orbital Debris Remediation Summit
- Victoria Samson moderated a panel discussing emerging technologies at the inaugural MITRE Civil Space Collaboration Summit
- SWF Participated in a Space Debris Conference hosted by the Saudi Space Agency
- Chris Johnson participated in the inaugural Space Beach Law Lab in Long Beach, California
- Brian Weeden moderated a panel discussion on the space security impacts of commercial ISAM capabilities at the 9th NSPS Symposium on Ensuring the Safe and Sustainable Use of Outer Space
- 6th Summit for Space Sustainability
- Chris Johnson participated in an invite-only workshop at the Outer Space Institute
- Director of Space Application Programs Krystal Azelton participated in the Global Space and Technology Convention (GSTC) 2024 in Singapore
- Victoria Samson will attend the upcoming intersessional meeting of the GGE on PAROS
- Brian Weeden participated in a panel on “AI for Peace and Security in Space” as part of SpaceTech 2024 at MIT Space Week
- Ian Christensen spoke at the 2024 Luxembourg Space Resources Week
- Christopher Johnson attended and participated at the upcoming Space Resources Week in Luxembourg, March 25–27
- Ian Christensen spoke as part of the Space Law and Regulation Track at the 2024 Space Symposium
- Brian Weeden and Krystal Azelton spoke at the online Policy Symposium hosted by the Portuguese Space Agency and UNOOSA
- Counterspace Trends: An Evolving Global Landscape
- Peter Martinez participated in a cislunar tabletop exercise in Washington, DC
- At the COPUOS 2024 Legal Subcommittee, April 15–26, 2024, Delegations can receive their complimentary copy of the COPUOS Briefing Book
- Krystal Azelton spoke on a panel at the Space and Satellite Reception hosted by Hungarian Embassy and the Space Foundation
- SWF spoke at the Portugal-UNOOSA side event ‘Sustainability of Outer Space, Sustainable Development and the Pact of the Future’
- Christopher Johnson and Ian Christensen attended the Legal Subcommittee of COPUOS in Vienna, Austria
- Dr. Peter Martinez, Krystal Azelton, Ian Christensen, and Victoria Samson attended the 39th Space Symposium
- SWF participated in the Portugal Policy Symposium, “Management and Sustainability of Outer Space Activities”, leading into the UN Summit for the Future
- Krystal Azelton, Director of Space Application Programs, attended North51
- Peter Martinez spoke at the SGAC Nigeria in collaboration with Space Safety &sustainability (SSS) Project Group at the Industry Roundtable Webinar.
- Ian Christensen spoke as part of the panel on Global Challenges at the UK In-Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing Conference, addressing the importance of international cooperation in space sustainability.
- SWF Space Security Panel at Space for Island Nations Conference (SINC) 2024
- Ian Christensen will attend the 2024 International Space Summit in Seoul, Republic of Korea, and speak on topics related to space sustainability and space situational awareness.
- Ian Christensen will participate in the 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR 2024) in Busan, Korea to deliver remarks on orbital debris and on the relationship of space activities to the environment
- 2024 International Workshop on Space Resources: Perspectives for Future Ecosystems
- Christopher Johnson will be attending the UN COPUOS Plenary in Vienna, Austria
- Krystal Azelton will moderation a panel on space sustainability at the SPACETIDE 2024 conference in Tokyo, Japan
- Ian Christensen will participate in the European Space Agency’s Zero Debris Week in Darmstadt, Germany
- UN COPUOS Side Event: Reflections on the UN Conference on Sustainable Lunar Activities: Priorities and Capacity Building
- Side Meeting at SmallSat 2024 | Masterclass: Communicating the Value of Space Activities
- Victoria Samson will participate in UNIFA's “International Webinar on Space Security: Building a Sustainable Future”
- Outer Space Security Conference 2024
- SWF's Ian Christensen will speak at the Space Sustainability Forum 2024 hosted by the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva, Switzerland.
- AMOS Dialogue in Maui
- Victoria Samson will speak at a DoD-run Joint Space Team webinar about SWF’s Global Counterspace Threat Assessment
- SWF's Christopher Johnson will speak at the AUILR Symposium: Cosmic Governance: Charting the Future of International Space Law
- Victoria Samson, SWF Chief Director, Space Security and Stability, will speak at the workshop, “Defending and Protecting Commercial Space Systems”
- A Policy Exchange on Implementing Space Sustainability
- SWF's Krystal Azelton will speak on a panel on space sustainability and orbital debris policy at the Payload Space Capitol event on September 24
- SWF's Christopher Johnson will present at the 2024 Space Futures and Governance Workshop
- SWF's Peter Martinez will speak on the panel, "Space and Sustainability Compacts: Partnerships for Food Security, Healthcare, Education" at Science Summit at UNGA79
- Ian Christensen will present at the 2024 Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference (IPSEC) and at the 30th Annual Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) in Perth, Australia.
- Victoria Samson will speak at "Enhancing collective security in outer space: challenges and opportunities at the dawn of a new space age"
- SWF Exec. Director Dr. Peter Martinez will present an overview of counterspace activities in a seminar on “Outer Space as an environment of Innovation, Regulation, Security and Cooperation”, organized by UNIFA
- SWF's Victoria Samson will participate in the 2024 Cislunar Security Conference
- SWF's Victoria Samson will participate in the panel "Asking the Right Questions and Finding Overlooked Stories" at the 2024 Outrider Nuclear Reporting Summit
- Victoria Samson will discuss space security issues at the dialogue held between the US National Academies of Science and the Indian National Institute of Advanced Studies in Bengaluru, India
- Victoria Samson will present on global counterspace capabilities at the UK-SIPRI Workshop, “Nuclear Escalation Pathways and Outer Space: Views from Europe,” in Solna, Sweden
- SWF will support the 8th African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW) in Abuja, Nigeria hosted by Space Generation Advisory Council
- SWF and Meridian to host "Celestial Navigation: Space Essentials for New Actors"
- SWF's Chris Johnson will discuss protecting lunar science in space exploration at the 245th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, January 14 in National Harbour, Maryland
- Space Traffic Coordination: An Ongoing Conversation About Regional Needs and Information Sharing
- Victoria Samson to speak at the GSTCE 2025 in Singapore
- SWF will participate in the 62nd session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) in Vienna, Austria.
- 2024 SWF Space Sustainability Research Fellowship Results
- Space Sustainability: Bridging Initiatives and Perspectives
- Victoria Samson to speak at 10th National Space Policy Secretariat Symposium on Ensuring the Safe and Sustainable Use of Outer Space in Tokyo, Japan
- Virtual Event: Safe, Stable, and Sustainable Space Activities: Promoting Perspectives from Latin America
- Side Event at SmallSat Europe – Understanding Space Sustainability: Handbook for New Actors in Space
- Side Event at 9th SmallSat Conference - Understanding Space Sustainability: Debuting the Handbook for New Actors in Space
- Senior Director, Program Planning Krystal Azelton will participate in the GEO Global Forum in Rome, Italy
- SWF delegation will attend the 40th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Last updated on March 4, 2011