Peaceful Moon Salon: Fractured Lunar Futures?
When: Monday, March 29, 2021
Time: 12:00-1:30pm ET
Last updated on March 16, 2021
The Moon Dialogs invites you to join Peaceful Moon Salon: Fractured Lunar Futures? As the US invests in coalition building around the Artemis Accords, to date other major players like Russia and China have yet to join. Meanwhile, the two space powers have announced an independent collaboration on a future lunar station, and other space activities. New coalitions and collaborations are a natural aspect of increased activity. But are these coalitions? Or factions? How will this play out? More affirmatively, how can the space community learn from important precedents such as the ISS, support continued collaboration and development of shared norms, and ensure that “diversity” results in a rich plurality of flourishing lunar activities, rather than conflict, insecurity, or fracture in the governance regime. This salon will inform and be informed by our 2021 themes "Peaceful Moon" and "Access." CLICK HERE TO REGISTER |
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