2012 Beijing Space Sustainability Conference
When: Thursday, November 8, 2012
to Friday, November 9, 2012
Where: No. 2 Conference Room, New Main Building Conference Center, Beihang University, Beijing, China
This conference discusses issues related to the long-term sustainability of outer space activities, including orbital debris mitigation and removal, national implementation of debris mitigation guidelines and regulations, space situational awareness, space weather, and the international code of conduct for space activities. The conference is co-organized by Secure World Foundation, International Space University, and Beihang University and was held at Beihang University in Beijing, China, November 8-9, 2012.
Conference Map
Thursday, 8 November |
0830 |
Welcome and Overview
HUANG Hai, Beihang University (PRC) Ray WILLIAMSON, SWF (USA) |
0845 |
Keynote – The importance of satellite-based Earth observation for security and sustainable development on Earth - Academician GUO Huadong, China Academy of Sciences, Center for Earth Observations and Digital Earth. |
Module 1: Space Debris |
0915 |
Space Debris Mitigation Recent Research Progress of Laser-Driven Flyer Technique and Micor-Space Debris Cumulative Impact Effect on Outer Surface Material of Spacecraft in CAST – CAO Yan, CAST (PRC) Research on the Integrative Technology of Space Debris Shield and Buffer Configuration - SHEN Junfeng, Shanghai Space Agency (PRC) Pipes Vulnerability under MMOD Hypervelocity off-centered Impact - LIU Xing, BUAA(PRC) |
1035 |
Break & Group Photo |
1100 |
Active Debris Removal Clean Space One - Muriel RICHARD, Swiss Space Center (SUI) Investigation of Space Debris Removal Using Tether Deorbit Method - Sun Liang, BUAA (PRC) Design and analysis of electro-dynamic tether micro-satellite for active space debris mitigation - Dr. Wang Xinsheng, BUAA (PRC) A New Concept Shield Withstanding Hypervelocity Impact - HOU Mingqiang, CAST (PRC) The Difficulties of Space Debris Removal and Valuable Collaborates Suggested to Take Action - Huang Hai, BUAA (PRC) International Cooperation on Space Technology Initiatives – James GRADY, Global Enterprise Initiative (USA) |
1230 |
Lunch |
Module 2: Astrodynamics and Space Situational Awareness |
1330 |
Current topics in Astrodynamics - Dr. Paul CEFOLA, University of Buffalo (USA) |
1400 |
Technical Student Paper Session Chair: Brian WEEDEN, SWF (USA) Near Real‐Time Global Density Estimation Using Satellite Precision Orbit Ephemerides - SUN Xiucong, BUAA (PRC) presentation | paper Active In-situ Observations of Space Debris Environment in 800 km Altitude Regime: A Proposal - HE Goulong, Tsinghua University (PRC) presentation | paper Design and Evaluation of Active Debris Removal Mission With Chemical Propellant and Electrodynamic Tether - Siddharth RAVAL, Space Generation Advisory Council (India) presentation | paper Life on Mars- Extracting the signs for future human habitation on the Red Planet - Muhammad Shadab KHAN, Babu Baranasi Das National Institute of Technology (India) presentation | paper |
1530 |
Break |
1600 |
International Space Situational Awareness Activities and Initiatives Verification of the Draper Semi-analytic Satellite Theory in OREKIT – Barry BENTLEY, University of Cambridge (UK) Progress on APOSOS Project - SHEN Ming, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (PRC) Global Space Situational Awareness Activities - Brian WEEDEN, SWF (USA) |
1700 |
Day 1 Wrap-up |
1830 |
Conference Dinner |
Friday, 9 November |
Module 3: Space Law and Policy |
0900 |
Keynote: Space Law in Asia Challenge and Opportunity - Ahmad Taleb Zadeh, Director General, Department of External Relation and Legal Affairs, Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization APSCO (Iran) |
0930 |
China’s National Space Law and Regulation - Professor LI Juqian, China University of Political Science and Law (PRC) |
0950 |
Law and Policy Student Paper Session Chair: Prof. LI Juqian (PRC) National Space Law and Regulation in Africa: a Case Study of Nigeria and South Africa - Olusoji NESTER JOHN, Obafemi Awolowo University (Nigeria) paper Legal and Policy Aspect of Space Situational Awareness - CHEN Ling, BUAA (PRC) presentation |
1030 |
Break |
1100 |
Law and Policy Student Paper Session Continued Consolidating Global Outer Space Governance with Regional Cooperation Mechanisms as Building Blocks - Xavier Li-Wen LIAO, Ghent University (BEL) Approaching Risk and Liability Models with Situational Awareness Data - Derek VALLES, London School of Economics (USA) paper The Largest Satellite, the Largest Threat: Potential Fault Liability in the Collision With Envisat - Weiwei SHANG, China University of Political Science and Law (PRC) presentation | paper Assuring Better Implementation of Space Situational Awareness in China - Rong DU, University of Hong Kong (PRC) presentation | paper |
1230 |
Lunch |
Module 4: Space Weather |
1330 |
Space Weather Chair: Ray WILLIAMSON, SWF (USA) International efforts in space weather prediction and warning - Shinichi WATARI, National Institute of Information and Commercial Technology (JAP) Space weather prediction research and support for Chinese space missions –LIU Siqing, Center for Space Science and Applied Research (PRC) Space Weather Operational System Development in the Chinese Academy of Sciences – CAI Yanxia, Center for Space Science and Applied Research (PRC) |
1430 |
Break |
Module 5: International Code of Conduct |
1500 |
Keynote: The International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities: An Australian Perspective -Sean KELLY, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (AUS) |
1530 |
Panel Discussion: Prospects for a Code of Conduct Moderator: Ray WILLIAMSON (USA) Panelists: Sean KELLY (AUS) Brian WEEDEN (USA) |
1630 |
Concluding Remarks HUANG Hai, Beihang University (PRC) Brian WEEDEN, SWF (USA) |