2024 International Workshop on Space Resources: Perspectives for Future Ecosystems

When: Thursday, November 21, 2024
to Friday, November 22, 2024
Where: São José dos Campos Technology Park, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Secure World Foundation and the Agência Espacial Brasileira (AEB) partnered to organize the 2024 International Workshop on Space Resources: Perspectives for Future Ecosystems in São José dos Campos, Brazil. This workshop was a thematic follow-on to the 2023 International Workshop on Space Resources Perspectives of Emerging Space Programs, which was organized by SWF and several Korean research institutes in November 2023. Discussion at the event focused on regional perspectives on the ways space resource activities will contribute to the future development of the space sector and its benefits. The event featured keynote speakers from the US, presenting the Artemis program, and from China, discussing the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) program, as well as contributions from speakers from government, academic, and private sector organizations.
Find an event report from this workshop here.
Program Committee:
The program for this event will be developed with the advice of the following Program Committee Members:
- Dr. Angel Abbud-Madrid, Director of the Center for Space Resources, Colorado School of Mines
- Mr. Ian Christensen, Senior Director, Private Sector Programs, Secure World Foundation
- Ms. Soyoung Chung, Senior Researcher, Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)
- Dr. Alessandra Pereira Fávero, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA)
Dr. Rodrigo Leonardi, Brazilian Space Agency (AEB)
- Ms. Asanda Sangoni, Space & Stakeholder Liaison Specialist, South African National Space Agency (SANSA)
- Mr. Carlos Roberto de Jesús Duarte Muñoz, AEM (Mexican Space Agency)
Local Organizing Committee:
On-site logistics and arrangements for the workshop will be supported by a local organizing committee with the following members:
- Alexandre Macedo de Oliveira, AEB
- Brenda Ribeiro Barbosa, AEB
- Mônica Elizabeth Rocha de Oliveira, AEB
- Rebeca Gonçalves, AEB
- Márcia Alvarenga dos Santos, AEB
Event Mention by Space Court Foundation
For more information, please contact SWF Senior Director of Private Sector Programs, Mr. Ian Christensen.
Last updated on February 19, 2025