National Space Strategy Workshop

When: Thursday, February 4, 2010

to Friday, February 5, 2010

Where: Washington, DC.

This workshop was held at George Washington University's Space Policy Institute as part of a larger project to develop the intellectual foundations for a potential U.S. national space strategy.

The project is led by led by Astroconsulting International, Secure World Foundation, the Space Policy Institute and the National Space Studies Center and intended to establish the intellectual foundations and concepts that will enable an eventual strategy to be developed. The purpose of strategy is to coordinate,integrate and prioritize the space activities of the USG across all sectors.

The workshop featured speakers on a number of separate topics critical to development of a national space strategy, including intellectual foundations, political challenges, space launch, space protection, and space governance.


Participants and Bios

Workshop Report Executive Summary / Full Report

Routledge has published a book, "Space Strategy in the 21st Century" containing articles written by participants of this workshop and edited  by Dr. Eligar Sadeh as part of their Space Power and Politics series.

Last updated on December 11, 2013