European Satellite Day 2013: Global Risks - Satellite Answers: Foresight in European Space Capabilities for Enhanced Global Stability
When: Thursday, September 5, 2013
Where: Robert Schuman Room of the Berlaymont Building, European Commission
The World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2013 identifies five top risks to global stability in terms of likelihood and impact. European Satellite Day will focus on three of these risks and the role that satellite services can play in responding to them now as well as mitigating them going forward.
Although invisible, satellite services are present throughout our daily lives. Those outside the sector are often unfamiliar with the essential role they play not only in allowing the proper functioning of society but also in delivering resilience with respect to global challenges and risks.
The threat of these risks manifesting is long-term and therefore reflects the need for comprehensive foresight and planning to help institutions and the European space sector together ensure that space capabilities and services are in place and ready to respond when needed.
In an environment where science and technology are constantly evolving, the capacity to anticipate is key, especially for the space sector that drives innovation while dealing with long lead times and development cycles for satellites. European Satellite Day 2013 will address today’s risks and reflect on how state of the art satellite solutions play a part in mitigating them.
For more information click here or please contact Brussels Office Director Agnieszka Lukaszczyk