Are We Losing The Sky to Large Satellite Constellations?

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Several companies are now in the process of launching large constellations of satellites into orbit with the goal of providing better broadband internet access to countries around the world. However, the satellites are numerous and bright enough in the night sky that they are creating concerns from astronomers and the public that they might disrupt our ability to view the night sky.

On June 15th, SWF Director of Program Planning Dr. Brian Weeden participated in a webinar hosted by the Astronomical Society of Edinburgh that brought together scientists, educators, musicians, and the public to discuss these issues. "Losing the Sky" was both an event and the name of a new book by astronomer Andy Lawrence that explores the value of the night sky to society. Dr. Weeden participated in a panel discussion during the event that explored the legal aspects of licensing these large satellite constellations and discussed why the current regulatory regime is not well-suited to deal with issues such as light pollution and why it will be difficult to update them in the near future. 

A video recording of the event can be found below.

Last updated on June 18, 2021