Staff Activities and Presentations
July 1, 2022
Victoria Samson Discusses Cyber Security in Space at 56th Otago Foreign Policy School Program
Washington Office Director Victoria Samson discussed cybersecurity of space assets and capabilities in her remarks at the 56th Otago Foreign Policy School program, “Ascending into Space: New Zealand’s Role as a Space-Faring Nation.” She detailed the use of cyberattack as a counterspace capability, identified vulnerabilities and ways to shore up against those weak points in space systems, and discussed what we know about the use of cyberattacks against space capabilities in active military conflicts.
July 6, 2022
Victoria Samson Speaks at Chatham House Workshop on Russia’s Space Policy
Ms. Samson talked about Russia’s space capabilities and its changing role in the broader space environment at a workshop hosted by Chatham House, “Exploring Russia’s Space Policy.” She examined how Russia’s geopolitical actions are isolating it from the international system and how that both shapes and is affected by Russia’s space policies and capabilities. She also discussed the impact on space security negotiations at the multilateral level, noting that there are still possible ways forward to enhance space security and stability.
July 14, 2022
SWF Participates in the 2022 Patti Grace Smith Fellowship Summit in Washington, DC
SWF Director of Program Planning Dr. Brian Weeden was a panelist for this year’s PGSF Summit, which provides extraordinary Black students with their first work experience in the aerospace industry, personalized mentorship, and a cohort of similarly driven and talented young Black people pursuing aerospace careers. Dr. Weeden spoke about current issues and challenges in space governance.
July 17, 2022
Chris Johnson Delivers International Moon Day Keynote
Space Law Advisor Chris Johnson served as a Keynote Speaker on lunar exploration, coordination and sustainability at the International Moon Day online event, hosted by the Moon Village Association - India. His remarks addressed policy aspects of sustainable lunar exploration and exploitation of lunar resources for commercial and/or scientific purposes.
July 21, 2022
SWF Speaks on New Value Creation and Space Sustainability at SPACETIDE Conference
Director of Private Sector Programs Ian Christensen spoke at the SPACETIDE 2022 ‘New Value Creation’ conference in Tokyo, Japan. His remarks focused on the need to better articulate the relationship between value created by space activities and the benefit that those activities provide to society.