SWF Podcast - "Space Policy Challenges Facing the Second Obama Administration"

Monday, December 3, 2012

Secure World Foundation held a luncheon panel discussion on significant space policy challenges facing the second Obama Administration, including civil space funding and Congress, ITAR reform, improving space situational awareness, and improving the overall coordination of U.S. space activities.

For more information, please visit the event page.


Ms. Marcia Smith, SpacePolicyOnline.com

Ms. Patricia Cooper, Satellite Industry Association

Mr. Brian Weeden, Secure World Foundation

Dr. Eligar Sadeh, Astroconsulting International

Moderator: Dr. Scott Pace, George Washington University

Audio Available Here

The views and opinions expressed by the speakers are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of their employers.

Last updated on December 9, 2017