Colorado's Role in International Space Policy Discussed at the 2017 Space Round-Up
Monday, December 11, 2017
SWF Project Manager Ian Christensen moderated a panel session entitled “Colorado’s Role in International Space Policy” at the 14th Annual Colorado Space Business Roundtable Round-up in on December 6th, 2017 in Denver, CO. Panelists included Mr. Stéphane Lessard, Consul General of Canada in Denver; Ms. Erin Kuhn, British Consul, UK Government Office, Denver; and Ms. Berenice Rendón Talavera, Consul General, Consulate General of México in Denver.
The panel provided an update and overview of the civil space activities of the included countries; and discussed the ways that local consular offices facilitate trade and cultural links between Colorado entities and the represented countries. The Round-up is an industry update and networking event for the Colorado space ecosystem, SWF was a co-sponsor of the 2017 event.