Dr. Guoyu Wang
Dr. Wang is the Dean of the Academy of Air, Space Policy and Law of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), Professor of the Law School of BIT, Board Director of IISL. He has been served as a Chinese delegate to United Nations Committee of Peaceful Use of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) since 2012, as well as assigned as a Chinese expert to the Long-term Sustainability for Outer Space Activities Working Group (LTSWG) of UNCOPUOS (2012-2018). He is also a Chinese delegate to the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Space Responsible Behavior Initiate (2023) and the legal advisor to the Chinese Expert to UN PAROS GGE (2023-2024). He had been the legal adviser of Chinese Delegation to Inter-Governmental Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) Meeting (2014-2015). Besides, Dr. Wang also plays an active role in some international initiatives in space law beyond UN framework. He is an editorial member and expert of McGill Manual for the International Law Applicable for Military Use of Outer Space (MILAMOS) since 2018, an expert of The Hague International Working Group on Space Resources Governance since 2015 and an expert of the Global Experts Group for Sustainable Lunar Actvities (GEGSLA) since 2021.
Dr. Wang earned his doctorate, master's and bachelor's degrees from Jilin University in Economics of Law, Private International Law, and International Law, respectively.