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Jun 26, 2013

SWF Partners in the UN-SPIDER Bonn Expert Meeting on the Use of Space-Based Information for Early Warning Systems

UN-SPIDER has organized the United Nations/Germany Expert Meeting on the Use of Space-based Information in Early Warning Systems with the financial support from the Government of Germany and in cooperation with the Secure World Foundation

May 24, 2013

SWF Holds Panel Discussion on Cooperation vs Competition in Outer Space Activities

Secure World Foundation together with the Women in Aerospace Europe have organised an informal panel discussion entitled “Cooperation vs. Competition in Space Activities”.

Apr 17, 2013

SWF Successfully Co-Organizes the 2013 UNIDIR Space Conference

This year's conference focused on threats that might give rise to conflict within the outer space domain, how such conflict might spread to other domains and how such threats might be mitigated through national and multilateral initiatives.

Last updated on December 5, 2017