SWF Staff Discuss Counterspace Proliferation and Space Arms Control at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

SWF Director of Program Planning Dr. Brian Weeden gave an invited lecture to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency's (DTRA) Strategic Forum, a monthly series featuring speakers on a range of topics to help inform the Agency's workforce on emerging threats and challenges. Dr. Weeden gave an overview of the current trends in counterspace proliferation, based on the information presented in SWF's 2021 Global Counterspace Capabilities report. Dr. Weeden then summarized the last few decades of U.S. policy and multilateral discussions on space arms control and provided his thoughts on the prospects for future agreements that could help address space security challenges. Dr. Weeden's presentation can be found here.

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Last updated on April 22, 2021