SWF PREPRINT A Multi-Faceted Approach to Space Sustainability


Dr. Peter Martinez

Posting date:

September 27, 2023

Link to the Published Article





Today’s ‘theatre of space’ features a far greater number and diversity of actors than during its early years. The ever-increasing demand for satellite data and services, along with the associated increase in launches and orbiting satellites, raises challenging questions for the long-term sustainability of space activities. In this Special Report for ROOM, Peter Martinez, Executive Director of the Secure World Foundation, proposes a multi-faceted approach to address a problem that impacts not only many aspects of space activity but also everyday life on Earth.


Space sustainability, long-term sustainability of outer space activities, orbital carrying capacity, commercial space activities, United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS), orbital debris, anti-satellite weapons tests, space traffic management, venture capital in the space sector, space investment bubble, multi-stakeholder approach, in-orbit servicing, space regulations.


Martinez, Peter. 2023. “A Multifaceted Approach to Space Sustainability - Room: The Space Journal.” Room the Space Journal of Asgardia. May 2023. https://room.eu.com/article/a-multifaceted-approach-to-space-sustainability.

Last updated on October 31, 2023