SWF and UNIDIR Co-Organized an Informal Consultation Group on Commercialization of Military Space Services

Friday, October 25, 2019

The UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and SWF convened an informal consultation group (ICG) to analyse the implications of the commercialization of military space services from a variety of perspectives. Experts from government, industry, and academia participated in round-table discussions focusing on the following questions:

  • Are commercial actors aware of emerging threats to space systems? If so, do they have measures for addressing these? If not, why not?
  • Is there any change to the legal status of commercial satellites servicing military providers, and what are the implications?
  • What are government policies towards commercial actors that experience foreign interference?

A summary document is forthcoming and will be available on the event page here. For more information, please contact Washington Office Director Victoria Samson at vsamson@swfound.org.

Last updated on November 13, 2019