Role of Investor Sector in Encouraging Responsible Space Operations Discussed at Workshop in Tokyo, Japan

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Secure World Foundation, in partnership with Japan's Spacetide Foundation, organized a one-day workshop in Toyko, Japan to discuss the ways in which the investor/lender community could work with industry to encourage responsible space operations practices. Participants in the workshop included a mix of public and private sector investors from Japan, Europe, and the United States; government agencies involved in Japanese commercial space related policy; and a mix of early stage space companies from both Japan and the U.S. A key theme that emerged from the discussion was the importance of establishing responsible behavior early in the culture of a company; and the role investors and existing companies can play in spreading that operations culture across a growing and diversifying space community.

The workshop was held the day following the 2019 Spacetide Conference, which is the only conference in Japan solely focused on the private sector space ecosystem. SWF's Director of Private Sector Programs, Mr. Ian Christensen spoke at this conference, and SWF's Director of Strategic Partnerships, Ms. Tiffany Chow, also attended. The workshop was the first in a global series of similar events Secure World Foundation is organizing, with local partners, to capture perspectives on the topic on investor role in encouraging responsible behavior from varied communities around the globe.  For more information, including the agenda and a forthcoming summary report, please visit the event page here

Last updated on July 31, 2019