SWF Space Sustainability Research Fellowship Results: "Verifying Anti-ASAT Commitments" and "Customary International Law Formation for Space Security"

When: Friday, December 1, 2023

Time: 12:00pm - 1:00 pm Eastern Time

Where: Virtual

In 2022, the Secure World Foundation established the SWF Space Sustainability Research Fellowship program with the goal of having the research fellows investigate fundamental questions and clarify fundamental concepts in space sustainability. The 2023 SWF Space Sustainability Research Fellows studied the verification aspects of ASAT testing prohibitions and the use of unilateral commitments and/or non-binding multilateral instruments in the formation of customary international law..

Join us for this webinar where our 2023 Space Sustainability Research Fellows will explain the findings of their research and discuss its implications.

Benjamin Silverstein

Formerly of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Benjamin focused his research on what types of behaviors and threats can space situational awareness (SSA) verify, what types of verification are possible in the context of ASAT test prohibitions, and related matters.

Benjamin's report can be accessed here.

Dr. Olga Volynskaya

A visiting Professor at the College of Law of Prince Sultan University (PSU), Saudi Arabia, Olga’s research focused on the nature and legal effect of non-legally binding political commitments, the recent UNGA resolution on ASATs, national unilateral declarations to not test or conduct ASATs, and related issues.

Olga's report can be accessed here.


Register for this free virtual event here.

Please contact SWF Space Law Advisor, Christopher Johnson for more information.

Last updated on January 23, 2025